



The Free Press previously reported on a standoff in Yellow Springs on July 31 of 2013 that lead to the death of a resident, Paul E. Schenck, at the hands of a police sniper. Attorney General Mike DeWine personally delivered a summary of the final report by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) that lead to no findings of wrongdoing on the part of the officers involved. Laborious comparison of the police records from the 17 responding agencies to the BCI report and raw investigative materials paints a picture of belligerence, sloth, criminality and incompetence. Since the release of the report, one of the officers involved has been indicted on firearms charges in federal court for partially unrelated conduct.



If war were inevitable, there would be little point in trying to end it. If war were inevitable, a moral case might be made for trying to lessen its damage while it continued. And numerous parochial cases could be made for being prepared to win inevitable wars for this side or that side.

Dublin, OH Wednesday, May 28th, at 9:00am, Columbus and Dublin-area clergy, students, and residents with Ohio Fair Food will join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) — an award-winning organization of Florida farmworkers — for a demonstration outside the 2014 Wendy’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders at the company’s corporate headquarters located at 1 Dave Thomas Blvd, Dublin, OH 43017.

Together, they will call on the Dublin-based burger giant to join its fast food competitors in supporting the Fair Food Program; a groundbreaking collaboration that has won praise from the White House to the United Nations for its unique success in addressing decades-old farm labor abuses at the heart of the nation’s trillion-dollar food industry.


Critics of internet and computer voting have an axiom: the election is never over until the cybervote comes in. Now there is a Spanish-based company planning to count U.S. overseas and military votes from Europe. It also has the technology to manufacture, manipulate and rig the vote count. Welcome to the world of Scytl. This spooky new world is held together through a complex assortment of interlocking directorships and investment deals.



The Green Party is fighting for its political life in Ohio. The gerrymandered, Republican-controlled state legislature outlawed all minor parties in Ohio in 2013 while both the Libertarian and Green Parties were in the middle of the petition drives for their gubernatorial candidates. Neither the Libertarians nor the Greens achieved ballot status by submitting signatures. While the Libertarian Party sued to maintain ballot status and lost in federal court, the Green Party invoked a seldom used state law that allows a statewide candidate to gain ballot status by getting 500 write-in votes.

The initial canvas of precincts showed the Green Party with 766 write-in votes for their gubernatorial candidate. The number, according to the Ohio Secretary of State’s website, has now dwindled to 628 votes. By state law, all county boards of elections must certify their vote total and forward it to the Secretary of State’s office by May 27. The Secretary of State must post the actual results 30 days after the May 6 election.



There’s a new X-Men movie out, the excellent Days of Future Past, and that means it’s time for the Fake Geek Boys to phone in filler about the X-Men characters they remember from the 90s cartoon. But here at the Free Press mutants are serious business, so instead of the Top 10 Most Overrated X-Men, I present to you: The Top 10 X-Men Who Are Better Than the Alive’s Top 10 X-Men.


10. Longshot

Engineered in another dimension to be the ultimate fighting performer, Longshot also has the power of Luck on his side. Every thrown knife hits its target and every lady (and man so inclined) swoons for him. It helps that he’s a naïve and likable guy.




In 1769, a British naval officer brings his daughter to live at the palatial home of his uncle and aunt, Lord and Lady Mansfield (Tom Wilkinson and Emily Watson). The couple are concerned that the girl’s presence will compromise the family’s reputation, as not only is the girl illegitimate, but her mother was black.

Nevertheless, they agree to take the girl in and raise her alongside her white cousin.

Though England was then the center of the world slave trade, Belle’s opening suggests that its titular heroine—whose full name is Dido Elizabeth Belle Lindsay (Gugu Mbatha-Raw)—will be sheltered from society’s racist attitudes and abuses. As the story skips forward to her emergence as a young woman, however, we learn that’s not the case.

Lord and Lady Mansfield clearly love Dido, but a double standard emerges when she and her cousin, Elizabeth (Sarah Gadon), are old enough to seek a husband. Elizabeth is encouraged, but Dido is warned that no family of an appropriate societal rank is likely to want her. When a pair of eligible men and their parents are invited to the house, she’s not even permitted to dine at the family table.


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