
The Coalition Against NATO/G8 War & Poverty Agenda has nothing on its website about using nonviolence, supporting nonviolence, or opposing violence.

The G8 and NATO Protest also has nothing like that, but does have this:

"As we plan our actions and tactics, we will take care to maintain appropriate separations of time and space btween divergent tactics."

A month ago I blogged that I would not endorse Occupy the RNC or DNC because both groups were refusing to state that they opposed violence.

Occupy the RNC has now put this on its website:

"We are not organizing actions, especially violent ones. That would just be stupid. We exist to provide information and facilitate logistics for people resisting the RNC."

Not how I would have put it. Nor would I have added:

"Don't fuck with us. We'll sue you."

But foreswearing violence and calling it stupid is enough for me. I wish Occupy DNC could bring itself to do as much. Better yet, just add "We oppose violence and will not use it."

That would be ideal, smart, strategic, and beneficial to the movement.

Believing in the classic American Dream that hard work will deliver prosperity is like believing that buying super lottery tickets is a smart way to become wealthy. Both are delusional beliefs because both are bets on incredible long shots that will disappoint nearly everyone who believes this garbage. The American Dream has been destroyed by a revolution from the top.

Americans have been watching authentic bottom-up revolutions in other countries but remain oblivious to a very different kind of revolution by elites that has been in progress for over three decades in the US. It has not destroyed the government or Constitution, merely bought control of both. Our government was not overthrown in a bloody revolution. It was purchased to win the class war against the 99 percent.

In the latest nail in the coffin of American liberty the people’s court of “last resort,” the U.S. Supreme Court, has confirmed that law abiding American Citizens (that means YOU, YOUR WIFE, and YOUR CHILDREN) traveling along any highway, breaking no law can now be arrested, handcuffed, hauled off to jail, mug shot, striped naked, and have your private parts gawked at or fondled by chuckling prison guards for the “crime” of -get this -a seven year old traffic ticket, that it turns out had been paid in full.

And this kind of treatment goes for old granny’s too -just keep your eyes wide open at the airports.

Now fellow Americans, if the thought of your wife or kids or grandma being treated like this does not get your blood pressure rising, then I can’t imagine what would.

And this president, who got himself elected on the promise of “Change” recently proved himself as phony as the last one by re-signing The Patriot Act into law -even though all President’s swear to “uphold and defend” the constitution. This doesn’t sound like change to me. But it’s all the proof anybody should need that they’re ALL a bunch of two faced liars.

A sad irony accompanied President Obama on his recent visit to Columbus.. Mr. Obama, possibly the most charismatic President since President Kennedy, visited Columbus on the same day that Reverend Al Sharpton, reprising the role that Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King played as JFK’s nemesis, visited Sanford, Florida. Without Dr. King’s efforts, Mr. Obama probably would not have been elected President, and the shooting of Trayvon Martin would surely have been forgotten by now. Therein lies the sad irony.

The lessons of history can be learned only through difficult and usually painful self-reflection, and can be forgotten only at great peril. I call on Columbusoids of all stripes, colors, flavors, and beliefs to help President Obama help all Americans to do the difficult work, to rise above this irony to a healing that we all so desperately need. After all, who knows who the next Trayvon might be? We are all Trayvon now. And history will judge us accordingly.

Robert A. Letcher (PhD, Cornell, 1994)
In recent years, many government officials seem to have developed a “reverse Midas touch”. You know: everything they touch seems to turn brown and stinky.

I’d like to think that elected people at all levels would respond by working “full time”, learning how to respond constructively to charges like the one my Mother levels against them: “they don’t care about the country, only their party’s and their own personal interests”. SHE IS DISGUSTED!

Instead, in Ohio (but more generally as well), Republicans have resorted to cheating legally. It’s called gerrymandering, and it means “the winning party gets to redraw election districts so it can keep winning, without caring about the country, just their party’s and their own interest”, much as Mom had charged!

No surprise! That’s what parties do. But, if we persuade them how mad my Mom and so many others really are: they might do differently. Two ways to persuade them to try:

• negotiate some variant of philosopher John Rawls’ “veil of ignorance”, according to which neither party would know which group of redistricted districts they would end up with;

Recently, Vice-President Biden came to Ohio in support of President Obama's efforts to make college tuition more affordable. Mr. Biden's visit a couple months back was reported in the January 13, 2012 issue of The Columbus Dispatch, in an article written by Joe Vardon, and headlined "Biden hits hot-button subject: college costs."

Having been an academic most of my life, I have had several experiences that bear upon Mr.Biden's "button."

Let me begin with a twist on an old saying, "no one ever won a horse race without a good horse." A small twist on that saying applies to global economic races: no one ever wins economic races without a well-educated workforce. And with this country's students ranking only 16th among industrialized nations, it's clear that we as a country have to work on more hot-button issues than just Mr. Biden's "cost."

What would you do if someone had a button that could destroy the earth and they were walking across the room to push it? Would you stand in the way? Would you talk them out of it? Would you sit by and watch, maybe make a sarcastic remark or two? What if the button might destroy the earth or might just destroy part of it? What if it might leave most of the earth intact but kill millions of people, but what if you had no way of being sure how far the destruction would spread?

Here is an animation made by the Union of Concerned Scientists on the damage a strike on Iran would likely cause, including the death of three million people.

Here is a New York Times article on what would likely happen next, including a war at least regional in scope and involving the United States.

There’s Always Work at the Post Office: African American Postal Workers and the Fight for Jobs, Justice and Equality
by Philip F. Rubio
University of North Carolina Press

Obtaining a job at the post office was considered to be a quite a coup for blacks, especially black men. A full-time postal employee could count on steady work, a good salary, paid vacations, health benefits, and for those who stayed thirty years, a guaranteed pension. I can still hear my late Aunt Clara proudly describing the boyfriend of one of her daughters: “Honey he got a good job; he work at the post office.” The only thing that topped dating a postal employee was dating a doctor or lawyer. As one of the largest employers of blacks in America, postal work was also crucial in lifting hundreds of thousands of African Americans into the middle class.

Oil and gas corporations, their trade associations, mass media outlets like the Wall Street Journal and Time magazine, and numerous pundits continue to report there is a new day unfolding in the energy future of the U.S. Indeed, they sometimes say it is a revolution in the making. It's now feasible to mine hitherto unreachable or unprofitable sources of "unconventional" oil and gas. As a result, massive, environmentally-devastating mining of tar sands in Canada expands, with a proposed and controversial pipeline to carry the partly processed oil from Alberto to Texas. Drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico, the arctic, multiple off-shore locations drill ever-more deeply into the ocean floor and beneath it. As far as mining for shale gas and oil goes, the situation is described with words such as gushers, or bonanzas, or energy independence.

The only two US reactor projects now technically under construction are on the brink of death for financial reasons.

If they go under, there will almost certainly be no new reactors built here.

The much mythologized "nuclear renaissance" will be officially buried, and the US can take a definitive leap toward a green-powered future that will actually work and that won't threaten the continent with radioactive contamination.

As this drama unfolds, the collapse of global nuclear power continues, as two reactors proposed for Bulgaria have been cancelled, and just one of Japan's 54 licensed reactors is operating. That one may well close next month, leaving Japan without a single operating commercial nuke.

Georgia's double-reactor Vogtle project has been sold on the basis of federal loan guarantees. Last year President Obama promised the Southern Company, parent to Georgia Power, $8.33 billion in financing from an $18.5 billion fund that had been established at the Department of Energy by George W. Bush.


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