
Get ready for the quiet coup in November. Donald Trump’s dreams of overturning the vote count of 2020 can now come true in 2024, thanks to a new rule passed by the new, MAGA-controlled Georgia State Election Board.

Let me break this down. Four years ago, Trump called the Secretary of State of Georgia and demanded:

Two men shaking hands above the table and exchanging money under the table

Posted on August 11, 2024 by beyondnuclearinternational

FirstEnergy was the company behind the largest political bailout and bribery scandal in Ohio history, which funneled $61 million in dark money bribes to Ohio lawmakers in order to pass a $1.3 billion nuclear and coal bailout at the expense of every Ohio family that pays utility bills.

Now, Sludge has reported that Donald Trump’s top known campaign money bundler advised FirstEnergy on its contributions to a dark money group that pleaded guilty to racketeering charges in Ohio’s House Bill 6 bailout scandal.

Any Way You Cut it, Any Poll You Read, Any Millennial You Talk to, Woman You Listen to, or Person of Color Who Trusts You — Everyone Already Knows the Historic Shift That Has Taken Place.

From Abortion to Climate, from Guns to Gays, from Free College to Free Palestine, from Pot to Pre-K. Pro-Union. Pro-Peace. Pro-Paid Family Leave. Anti-Alito, Anti-Wall Street, Anti-Rent Hike You’re Ordered to Pay. Dammit It’s Time — Give all Women the E. R. A.!

America Is Now a Liberal Nation — all of the above is what the majority of us believe, no matter what Trump or the pundits say.

Over the past 45 years, I have been active on the streets and on the
internet for our people struggle for return and self-determination in the
face of a most brutal and merciless colonial regime. I read thousands of
books and wrote a few myself. I read tens of thousands of research and
analytical papers (and wrote hundreds myself). The problem of our country
can actually be described very briefly. Its solution (remedies) can also be
described briefly. Implementing the solution would be doable and is the
only way to avoid a catastrophic world war.

So briefly, we have 15 million indigenous Palestinians, over 8 million of
us are intentionally made refugees or displaced people (and that number
increases daily). So far over 250,000 Palestinians were killed or perished
prematurely thanks to genocidal policies since 1948. A million were injured
and another million imprisoned since 1948. The perpetrator Jews fell under
the spell of an idea called Zionism that tries to convince people that
Jewishness is a nationality (Constantinian Judaism as called by Marc Ellis)

Consistent with its patented contempt of the international rule of law, Israel continues business as usual. Though it is accused of carrying out genocide in Gaza and the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, there is no sign indicating that Israel will slow down its genocidal and suicidal mission.

In a belligerent attempt to sabotage any diplomatic efforts that could’ve made ceasefire and hostage exchange possible, Israel assassinated Ismail Haniyeh—Hamas’ political leader and chief diplomatic negotiator—in Tehran where he was attending the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected president. This not only affirmed Israel’s disinterest in peace negotiation and hostage exchange, but it also affirmed its appetite for a direct war with Iran and Lebanon since it assassinated Fuad Shukr—Hezbollah’s second ranking commander—in Lebanon only a day earlier.


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