
Keen wildlife area

It took the Ohio Oil and Gas Land Management Commission (OGLMC) just 22 minutes Monday to rubber stamp fracking under Keen Wildlife Area and four Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) parcels.

The four-member, unelected commission appointed by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine ignored shouted questions and concerns from Save Ohio Parks audience members about the harms of fracking under Ohio’s state parks and public lands, and did not allow the public to speak either before the meeting or afterward.

EOG Resources, Inc. of Houston, Texas was selected to frack 84 acres of Keen Wildlife Area in Harrison County. The lease bonus is expected to bring in $211,650 to the state, plus royalties of 12.5 percent and an additional amount of 5.5 percent of production, according to an Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) press release.

Frank LaRose

The ongoing debate over redistricting in Ohio highlights a critical issue within the democratic process: the manipulation of ballot language by people in power to influence voter perception. This tactic is part of a larger national trend where biased ballot language is used as a tactic to defeat citizen-led initiatives. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose is attempting to exploit the Citizens Not Politicians ballot language in an attempt to consolidate power and limit democracy.

On Thursday, civil rights leaders and advocacy groups released the following statements to the media condemning the biased ballot language released by LaRose: 

“Public service should be a calling, where elected officials honor the sacred trust instilled in them, but the language presented to the Ohio Ballot Board on redistricting is another sad example of politicians abusing their power.  This is another obvious attempt by Secretary of State LaRose to use his power to mislead voters, and as civil rights organizations, we believe the public will not buy it.” – Bria Bennett, Communications Director of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative.

Bill Cohen

WHEN:   Sunday September 1st, 4 pm – 5:30 pmWHERE: Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Avenue, Columbus 43214.(Free parking along Oakland Park and in nearby lots, owned by North Broadway Methodist Church)
Let’s put some meaning back into the Labor Day holiday this year by singing the praises  -- literally -- of all the workers who make our lives richer by doing their everyday jobs--- farmers, truckers, factory workers, teachers, doctors, white collar workers, miners, and more.

Join Bill Cohen as he sings songs made famous by a wide variety of folks: Woody Guthrie, Sam Cooke, Dolly Parton, Pete Seeger, Bruce Springsteen, Alabama, James Taylor, etc.

Powerful vocal harmonies will be added by veteran Columbus musicians Phil Hart and Teresa Schleifer.

Plus, we’ll recall how, decades ago, labor unions won historic reforms that many of us take for granted today – the 8-hour workday, improved workplace safety, a guaranteed minimum wage, and an end to child labor.

Mayor Ginther

Since July 18, Columbus Mayor Andy Ginther has downplayed the severity of the city’s data base being hacked. He has basically told the media and public not to worry. Everything is hunky-dory and under control. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

A mayor’s spokesperson stated, “City officials have been ordered by someone not to disclose publicly the totality of computer outage or its cause.” He waited weeks before sending City employees with credit monitoring information. In late July, several Columbus Police officers contacted Fraternal Ordr of Poice (FOP) officials claiming that their data may have been compromised, including retired police officers. And the number of officers “continues to multiply.”

Protestors with Stop Project 2025 banner

Thursday, August 15, 2024, 3:00 PM

You’ve probably heard about Project 2025 – which produced a 900+-page compendium of extremist proposals put out by the right-wing Heritage Foundation (although the head of the project left the Heritage Foundation after Project 2025 proved intensely unpopular). So why should you know about these plans? Because they have been developed by many with connections to the former Trump Administration and are similar to certain proposals before Congress now. Whoever wins the election, these proposals to shrink human needs programs may emerge – and we have to be ready.

VINNIE DESTEFANO shares the miracle & joy of Julian Assange walking the beach, a free man, with his wife and kids.

TATANKA BRICCA reminds us that we still must free Leonard Peltier.

The great homeless activist SUSIE SHANNON rallies us for activism to solve this horrible human nightmare.

WENDI LEDERMAN adds her own heart-felt dimension to the tragedy of many fellow citizens living on the street.

MYLA RESON then introduces SETH & EMILY of Walk the Walk, which helps with funding for grassroots election activism.

EMILY LEVY follows by sharing the activities of her great Scrutineers organization.

At the one-hour mark we’re joined by GREG PALAST to talk about his “Vigilantes” film & this year's massive disenfranchisement of voters of color.

RAY MCCLENDON of the Atlanta-based Communities United for Justice describes the looming attack on Electoral College certification in Georgia.

Legendary journalist LUCIAN TRUSCOTT IV adds his unique perspective on the litigation of 2020 to what may happen again in 2024.

I stroke the unknown . . .

Bear with me as I finish my short walk. I was ambling through my neighborhood the other day, wielding a pair of walking sticks, “forcing myself,” you might say, to enjoy the beautiful afternoon but actually just plodding forward, in a hurry to get back to the house and be done with this bit of exercise.

But then, oh so briefly, I paused in my hurry-upness, took a deep breath and continued slowly, deliberately on my way. Suddenly I was no longer in a pointless hurry, but, my God, surprisingly awake and present in this beautiful moment of sky and grass and sidewalk concrete. I felt the air fill my lungs and revered every step I took, knowing that one of them — someday — would be my last.

BANGKOK, Thailand -- The Constitutional Court on Wednesday (Aug. 7) expelled from politics Thailand's most popular opposition politician Pita Limjaroenrat, plus 10 his executives, and dissolved their Move Forward Party (MFP) for repeatedly demanding the king's powerful legal protection against libel be weakened and "reformed."

U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, warned this Buddhist-majority, U.S. military ally in Southeast Asia on Aug. 2:

“If the Move Forward Party is dissolved, this decision will effectively disenfranchise millions of voters who called for progressive change and democratic reform.

“This action threatens to undermine Thailand's commitment to democracy and human rights, shared values that have anchored our bilateral partnership for over 190 years,” Sen. Cardin said in a letter to Thai Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa.

"I urge the Thai government to respect the will of its people and uphold the democratic values that have long been the foundation of our enduring alliance," Sen. Cardin wrote.


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