
Details about event

Every Sunday May 19 - Sept. 29 from 10am-2pm
*Supermarket Sunday takes place the 1st Sunday of the month.
225 Neilston St. Columbus, OH 43215

Admission FREE
STREET PARKING is free on Sundays
Adjacent parking lot - all day $5


Tonight, Saturday, August 10 from 6-9pm, you can try a "mocktail."

What is a mocktail?

Blossom Bar is coming to the salon to provide drinks -- water, non-alcoholic, alcoholic and "infused" mocktails. You can ask for a bit of CBD or THC or both added to your drink (each one costs a little bit). You decide what to add and tell the bartender. They provide hemp-derived, non-alcoholic cocktails infused with adaptogens and nootropics, catering to a health-conscious audience seeking an elevated social experience.

Dr. Bridget Williams of Green Harvest Health, who has spoken at a Free Press salon in the past, runs Blossom Bar and will be speaking about mocktails to tell us more about them.

The August Free Press Second Saturday Salon is tonight from 6-9pm at the Columbus Botanical Depot's event spacee at Pacemont and High Street in Clintonville. The actual address, 14 W. Pacemont is a dispensary which will be open tonight until 8pm.

In 1982, I was with Israel’s army when it invaded southern Lebanon. We moved from menacing village to village ready for an attack by Hezbollah fighters.

Israel’s objective was to seize the southern portion of Lebanon, notably the Litani River, the region’s major source of potable water. The historic Port of Tyre - old when Rome was young - was another key target. It had been largely seized by Maronite fascist militias allied and supplied by Israel.

Israel claimed it was battling “terrorism”. In fact, Israel’s ultimate objective was - as always - more land for the Jewish state. When Israel was created in 1948, there was much speculation about whether the new Jewish state would go on to annex all of southern Lebanon.

That did not happen after the US put its foot down.

Dear Mayor Johnson:

We are passionately asking that you not do during the upcoming Chicago Democratic Convention what then-Mayor Richard J. Daley did in 1968: plant the seeds of chaos and pave the way for a Republican President.

It’s widely expected there will be many thousands of marchers at this year’s DNC, protesting the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. It is essential the city do everything in its power to accommodate them and help keep the marches peaceful… as it did NOT do in 1968.  

During the ’68 protests, we were among the thousands there to march peacefully against the war in Vietnam. While standing at the corner of Michigan and Balbo, we were clubbed by police. To our immediate north, fellow demonstrators were pushed through a large plate glass window and into a restaurant. Infamously, angry police then poured inside and beat them and many astonished patrons who were trying to eat dinner.

Details about event

Saturday, August 10, 6-9pm
Columbus Botanical Depot, corner of Pacemont and High, 14 W. Pacemont
on street parking - please carpool!)

Facebook event

Free Press August Second Saturday Salon
Saturday, August 10, 6-9pm
Columbus Botanical Depot, 14 W. Pacemont

Free and open to the public!Sponsored by Simply Living and Columbus Botanical Depot.Our topic is Courage and Cannabis, headlined by our own marijuana writer, Mary Jane Borden.
Cannabis themed art.
Find out about Simply Living and the Columbus Botanical DepotMocktails brought to us by Dr Bridget Williams of Blossom Bar
Refreshments and more!

I slept barely three hours last night so I worked, took a vigorous walk,
and contemplated life. I force myself to watch the horrors of the genocide
and destruction around nightmares seem small compared to reality. I
touch base with friends in the Gaza strip where they are herded like cattle
from one place to another to be bombed to reduce their population and
finish off the Palestinian question, a final solution to make the land
devoid of its indigenous people. All with support of western governments
under the boot of Zionism. In my walk I also reflected on how difficult it
is to build our oasis of hope (see in the middle of
this mayhem and stressed for resources (funding and people). I also
reflected on people (those active, those colluding, those humane....). I
also worked on my latest book of reflections on activism and decided to


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