
The hoopla surrounding Kamela Harris needs a cold dose of grassroots/election protection reality.  Amidst a prevailing aura of certain victory, Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election by 3 million votes.  But we still wound up with Donald Trump in the White House.

If that history repeats itself, we will never, as Trump promises, “need to vote again.”

So whatever her policy shortcomings---and there are many---Kamala Harris cannot win a 2024 election that is not conducted primarily with hand-marked and digitally scanned paper ballots…many millions of which must be sent out and back by a United States Postal Service that desperately needs a new boss.    

A Trump defeat also can’t happen without a massive grassroots campaign whose progressive donations will fund tens of thousands of dedicated organizers working at the local level, with community democracy centers and door-to-door relational campaigning.  To win, this kind of campaigning must divert much of the money the Democrats would otherwise squander on media buys.  

Details about event

Friday, August 2, 2024, 6:00 PM
Gazebo, Goodale Park, 120 W. Goodale St., Columbus

August 2nd will mark 301 days of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We have witnessed a relentless series of massacres perpetrated by the Zionist colonial regime, operating with complete impunity and without any accountability.

The death toll has now surpassed 186,000 martyrs. The livelihood of Palestinians have been systematically dismantled—families torn apart, and already horrific conditions worsened by starvation, skin diseases, and preventable diseases like polio, all while the IOF continues to destroy vital water resources.  This genocide is not just a crime; it is a deliberate, systematic atrocity that our own government has endorsed, supported, and perpetuated. Yet, we, the people, repeatedly say no. We refuse to let these barbarous war crimes go uncontested.

We must continue protesting. We need to rejuvenate our fight and continue showing up for Gaza. We cannot allow the ruling class to prosper while our brothers and sisters in Palestine are senselessly slaughtered day after day. 

Does anyone in Israel in a position of power truly understand what the expressions “human rights” and “rule of law” really mean? Developments over the past ten months in Gaza would suggest “No,” that Israel’s government, its legal system, and its constitution exist solely to empower the state to do whatever it wishes, which in the current version includes the genocidal elimination of the Palestinian people and the theft of their land and property to be incorporated into a Greater Israel that plausibly will include the already annexed Syrian Golan Heights as well as all of historic Palestine running from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

"We bow with respect and appreciation to the Tajik champion Nurali Emomali for refusing to shake hands with an 'Israeli' player whose hands may be stained with the blood of innocent victims in Gaza." It was a moment of pride at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Some media outlets and social networking sites reported the Emomali withdrawal and defended the Israeli champion of Soviet origin, Baruch Shmulov. The Tajik player won and then he shouted happily "Allahu Akbar" and refused to shake the hand of the Israeli player.
Emomali refused to do so because he knows that the opposing player is a representative of the state of genocide, racism and apartheid and represents the international war criminals of "Israel". 
The Tajik player's behavior angered "Israel's" friends who demanded that Murali Emomali be punished for his behavior.

Great orators in history would not have been recognized as such if their words carried no value. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is neither a great orator, nor did his speech before a joint Congressional session on July 24 have actual worth. It was an expression of his desperation, if not defeat, on all fronts. 

 This is not new. For years, Netanyahu has served the role of a social media meme. During his United Nations General Assembly speech in September 2012, the Israeli leader displayed a bomb diagram to fan the flames for another Middle East war. 

KAREN GREENBERG & JULIAN ZELIZER, authors of Our Nation at Risk, open this powerful discussion on the integrity of our elections.

Maryland state legislator LINDA FOLEY speaks to the need for a massive margin to guarantee the defeat of Donald Trump.

PRESIDENT CHRISTIAN NUNES of the National Organization for Women tells us what her legendary cohorts will be doing in 2024 to protect our democracy.

MIKE HERSH emphasizes the stellar credentials of our honored guests.

Radio host LYNN FEINERMAN, chimes in with her emphasis on the rights and opportunities this election offers for democracy.

Poet DENNIS BERNSTEIN, host of KPFA’s Flashpoints, reads us his poetry, including “The Nuts & Bolts of Brotherhood,” and later of his sainted mother.

Host “SLUGGO” WASSERMAN chimes in with one about Woodstock2 and another about a visit to the park with his youngest daughter.

TATANKA BRICCA talks with his drum of “perfect love” and more...

RON LEONARD then chimes in to celebrate Woodstock2 and the myths that were, in fact, very real.

Soon after the Gaza war began 10 months ago, a prominent newspaper columnist denounced Congresswoman Cori Bush under a headline declaring that “anti-Israel comments make her unfit for reelection.” The piece appeared in the newspaper with the second-largest readership in Missouri, the Kansas City Star. Multimillion-dollar attacks on Bush followed.

 Bush’s opponent, county prosecutor Wesley Bell, “is now the number-one recipient of AIPAC cash this election cycle,” according to Justice Democrats. “Almost two-thirds of all his donations came from the anti-Palestinian, far-right megadonor-funded lobby group.” The Intercept reports that “AIPAC’s super PAC, United Democracy Project, has gone on to spend a total of $7 million so far to oust Bush” in the Aug. 6 Democratic primary in her St. Louis area district.


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