
Cuban family standing outside small makeshift house

From The Presbyterian Church USA

The Cuban people are facing shortages of clean water, medicine, and medical equipment, and the price of food has skyrocketed. These conditions are causing families to go hungry and flee the island. Over a million Cubans have left the island in the past two years.  At the same time, it is nearly impossible for U.S. humanitarian and faith organizations to provide humanitarian aid to the Cuban people. The main obstacle is the fact that Cuba is on the State Department’s State Sponsors of Terrorism List (SSOT). 

Because banks fear running afoul of U.S. anti-terrorism laws and regulations, it can take years for groups to get much-needed aid and finances into the country. In 2015, President Obama removed Cuba from the SSOT list as part of the opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba. However, in 2021, the Trump Administration returned Cuba to the SSOT list after Cuba served as a neutral host for international peace talks between the government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN), a rebel group.  

Why are many amongst us still tiptoeing around language when it comes to the horrific Israeli genocide in Gaza? 

 Layers of censorship imposed on Palestinian and pro-Palestinian voices in corporate and social media seem to have blurred the judgment of some. They continue to speak of a 'conflict', calling on 'both sides' to use ‘restraint’ and, partly, blaming the Palestinian Resistance for the ongoing Israeli massacres.   

 Though such language is expected from the 'sensible' few of mainstream media, there are those who are counted as ‘pro-Palestine’ intellectuals, journalists and activists who often use similar language. 

Album cover with Victoria playing guitar

Sunday, July 28, 1-5pm
Zacatecas Mexican Grill, 1175 Worthington Woods Blvd.

In Memoriam: Victoria Parks

Victoria Parks was a folk beacon in our local community and abroad. Please join us in this Fiesta of Life to celebrate Victoria.

Victoria loved Cinco de Mayo; however, she missed out on the last two years celebrating it so we would like to share it with you.

We will celebrate her life with her music, pictures, and memorabilia of her humorous days in music and in politics.

Please feel free to bring a dessert. We will be providing food periodically for a limited time. There will also be a cash bar with one of her favorites, margaritas.

Hosted by Victoria’s close friend Kelly Bowman.

Facebook Event

Having lived in the US for nearly 50 years, nothing upsets me more than when I hear some Americans say that Israel is our ally and shares our values. I find this as pure poppycock because Israel is a liability and not an asset to the US. There is only one thing America and Israel don't have in common. Israelis get free national healthcare and free education subsidized by U.S.

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the US Congress reached a new low. Our elected officials, once the envy of the world, proved beyond any reasonable doubt that, in the words of Will Rogers, “the United States of America has the best Congress money can buy.” Or, as Mark Twain said, “We have the best government that money can buy.” On this day of infamy, a certified war criminal, Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been committing genocide in real-time for the past 10 months while the world watches, was received by the US Congress and hailed as a hero.


During his nearly hour-long speech, Prime Minister Netanyahu was frequently interrupted by applause, often with standing ovations. Almost 30% of his time at the podium was taken up by applause. Those who engaged in this egregious act were US politicians and lawmakers, decision-makers and people of supposed high status in our country, elected to the two chambers that continue the chart of the great American Experiment. Almost a quarter of a millennium ago, this great American Experiment began with 56 patriots who pledged their lives and honor in declaring independence from a powerful king and country more than 3,000 miles away.

Everyday we hear horror stories from the Gaza strip (concentration camp).
70% of residential buildings are now destroyed, friends of ours that have
been forced to move 7, 8 or 9 times to places that are then bombed again.
Children burned or mutilated. Tens of thousands of women and children
murdered with Western Support. The situation here in the occupied West Bank
has been horrible before 7 October but the level of horror amplified ten
fold since. This increase in rate of home demolitions, land confiscation,
killing of Palestinians, military and settler pogroms against our people,
closing off of 12 ghettos/concentration camps created to store the unwanted
indigenous people.  All Palestinians are targets whether they miraculously
remained in Palestine or are in exile diaspora. The Zionist movement is
taking desperate measures to liquidate even the hope of liberation. Even
the delusional hope of a two state "solution" is obliterated with laws and
with increased colonial settlements: There are two times more colonial
settlers per square kilometer here in the West Bank than inside the Green

Details about event

Saturday, July 27, 2024, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
905 Mt. Vernon Ave., Columbus

Come join Columbus Stand Up for a thought-provoking discussion on the importance of climate justice. Our event aims to raise awareness about the impact of climate change on marginalized communities and the urgent need for equitable solutions.

Listen to inspiring speakers, engage in interactive workshops, and connect with like-minded individuals passionate about creating a more sustainable future for all.

Let's come together to explore why climate justice matters and how we can make a difference! ! 


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