
The right-wing Republicans . . . the Christian nationalists . . . have hoisted their flag: Project 2025, a.k.a., Project Hell on Earth, and it’s coming to a future near you. Or so they believe (and hope).

Chinese diplomacy has done it again. 

 By hosting a historic signing of a unity agreement between 14 Palestinian political parties in Beijing on July 23, China has, once more, shown its ability to play a global role as a peace broker. 

 For years, China has attempted to play a role in Middle East politics, particularly in the region's most enduring crisis, the Israeli occupation of Palestine. 

 In 2021, China announced its four-point plan, aimed at “comprehensively, fairly and permanently” resolving the Palestinian question.


A coalition of civil rights groups including the Ohio NAACP, the Ohio Unity Coalition, the Ohio State Conference of the NAACP and the Ohio Organizing Collaborative today responded to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s statements on the Citizens Not Politicians ballot measure. They released the following statement:

"This amendment is incredibly important because Ohio is still one of the 10 most gerrymandered states in our nation,” said Petee Talley, executive director of the Ohio Unity Coalition. “In 2022, residents in several communities were gerrymandered into districts to dilute their voting power. One such gerrymandered in Toledo, Ohio, resulted in roughly 38,000 black citizens in SD11 in Lucas County being disenfranchised. The best way to make the districting process fairer is to get politicians out of it, so they can’t stack the deck in their favor just to gain and keep power.”

Casey Goodson Jr.

Tuesday, June 30, Franklin County agreed to a historic  $7 million settlement with the family of Casey Goodson Jr., resolving the civil claims arising from the  tragic events of December 4, 2020. This settlement marks a significant step in the pursuit of justice for  Casey and his loved ones. 

Since that fateful day, Casey's family has endured immense pain and hardship, navigating a long and challenging journey toward justice. Over three years have passed since Casey was senselessly murdered  by former Sheriff's Deputy Michael Jason Meade. Throughout this period, the family has remained  steadfast in their fight for accountability and reform. 

The settlement allows Casey's family to resolve their civil claims against Franklin County, enabling them  to concentrate fully on the upcoming murder retrial of Michael Jason Meade. While no amount of money  can ever compensate for the loss of Casey, this settlement is a crucial acknowledgment of the profound  impact his death has had on his family and the broader community. 

Zone in logo and Joe Motil with friends

After two years and over $3 million later, Ginther and City Council once again showed their true colors and genuflected to those who have historically continued to control development policies in Columbus: the developers and the development community. And after all the bragging about how many people sent in comments, attended public meetings, and the creation of the Zone In propaganda gallery, that there were virtually no changes made to the city’s initial Zone In policy. Yes, a two-year dog and pony show that resulted in ignoring public comment.    

Details about event

Prices keep increasing. Some states have not only put in place a decent minimum wage but indexed it to automatically keep pace with the cost of living, so that we don't all have to waste time demanding that it be "increased" each year.

Click here to tell OH to create a $15 minimum wage and set it to increase with the cost of living.

In Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, and Washington, the minimum wage is, or is set to soon be, at least $15 per hour, and it is set to keep pace with the cost of living. Why should such an obvious policy be limited to those states?

When value is restored to the minimum wage, even those making over the minimum wage tend to see pay increases as well.


Kamala Harris and Roy Cooper

Joe Biden recently made history by endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential race after dropping out. With Harris likely to secure the nomination, the focus shifts to her choice of running mate.

The list of potential candidates includes Governors Newsom (CA), Whitmer (MI), Beshear (KY), Shapiro (PA), Pritzker (IL), and Cooper (NC), along with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and U.S. Senator Mark Kelly (AZ). Although Newsom and Whitmer are strong candidates, Whitmer has reportedly declined the spot. Newsom, meanwhile, is from California, just like Harris. The Constitution prohibits a ticket with two people from the same state, and while they could solve that by having one of them change their official residence, it may come off as manipulative and unpopular, especially when MAGA Republicans paint California as a “woke” state.

Large white building

I am a historian and preservationist in Columbus, and I am generally in support of the proposed legislation and support the clarification that historic districts won’t be disregarded with the new code. I nevertheless deeply urge a delay or even a “no” vote at this time, in order for a solution to be found for an alarming issue. I have raised this issue with the zoning team multiple times and have yet to hear a response. Your vote is the last potential for affecting change.

Columbus has an incredible array of historic, and architecturally significant, houses, churches, fire stations, schoolhouses, and more. The vast majority of these are not on any register, and will immediately be at a much higher risk of demolition if Zone In were to pass as is currently written. We will be at threat of losing much of our remaining historic heritage, and especially the most visible sites on these well-traveled corridors.


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