
Album cover

Sinkane’s new album is called We Belong, released by City Slang records.

Where you’re from, and where you belong are fundamental ideas of existence. For a reader, so is deciding if Sinkane is in their realm of music. Where does Sinkane We Belong in music?

Sinkane previously released music from LCD Soundsystem’s James Murphy label DFA. Is Sinkane a dance hipster with alternative rock radio possibilities? Sinkane’s latest, We Belong falls under wherever his Okay Africa culture could take someone in  American music.

I’ve found amusement that North American College Community radio, or, considers Sinkane college R&B. Consider the Weeknd, Sinkane’s friend Solange, sister Beyonce and Erykah Badu’s influence on music over a mass of music over a sustained period.

College R&B is a genre with interesting possibilities. Kids starting bands in school, and then releasing underground DIY R&B records like punk bands until labels sign them?

Two buildings

After a conversation with the Columbus Landmarks Foundation, the Free Press can report that City representatives working on the “Zone In” project had limited contact with the region’s foremost preservation effort as they overhauled Columbus’s zoning code.

The Columbus Landmarks Foundation’s CEO Dr. Rebecca F. Kemper told the Free Press that Zone In reps did approach the Foundation a handful of times over the previous two years, and they also recently connected with a few Foundation board members to go through Zone In’s public gallery at 141 N. Front Street, which closed June 10. But there were no official sit-downs or any peer review of the major changes being made to Columbus’s zoning code.

Pramila Jayapal

Green Grassroots Emergency Election Protection
Our next Zoom #180
Monday, June 10, 2024
Regular Monday 5 P.M. ET/ 2 P.M. PT
or (both are the same)
Register once and you can choose one or more occurrences to attend without having to re-register for each meeting.
If you are able, please donate @

Details about event

Sunday, June 9 • 2-4 p.m.

Franklin Park Conservatory & Botanical Gardens

The Wells Barn • 1777 E. Broad St.

Register for the Growing and Growth Collective’s annual Juneteenth event, Juneteenth Justice: Pathways to a Sustainable Future. Their goal is to invite the community into conversation with local growers about the ways food producers and food consumers can promote justice, sustainability, and control over what and how we grow and eat.

Their program will feature a keynote with Jim Embry, a nationally-recognized speaker with expertise in Black agriculture and activism in food justice and food sovereignty. They are also hosting a panel discussion on the history and contributions of African Americans in agriculture and the importance of Juneteenth to all Americans.

Agenda for the event:

Yurii Sheliazhenko is facing trial on June 11 and the possibility of 5 years in prison for speaking in support of peace in Ukraine. Yurii has been formally charged by the Ukrainian government with the crime of justifying Russian aggression. The evidence is this statement which explicitly condemns Russian aggression.

Please sign and share this petition to the Ukrainian Government:

We call on you to drop any legal proceedings against Yurii Sheliazhenko, and to respect human rights, the right to conscientious objection, and the right to freedom of speech. The absurdity of prosecuting someone for justifying Russian warmaking on the basis of a statement in which he has explicitly condemned Russian warmaking, is matched by the absurdity of waging war in the name of freedom and democracy while engaging in this sort of harassment of citizens. We urge you to do better.

Details about event

Celebrate Thanksgiving in June - “Songs of Gratitude” Concert with Bill Cohen

WHEN: Saturday June 8 at 7 pm, doors open 6:30pm
WHERE: Glenwood Methodist Church 2833 Valleyview Drive at Hague 43204

The Free Press is inviting you to a musical event for our Second Saturday Salon. All are welcome, all ages.

Friends. Freedom. Food. Music. Parents. Children. Pets. Laughter. Emotions.

Join us at Glenwood Methodist Church for a concert with Free Press award honoree Bill Cohen and his musical friends, Joe Lambert and Joanne Blum.

With piano, guitar, and voices, they will sing well-known songs from decades ago, linked to a wide variety of folks --- John Denver, Bing Crosby, Phil Ochs, Louis Armstrong, and Don McLean. Even Johnny Appleseed, Jiminy Cricket, and the TV show, “Golden Girls.”
Inspirational and wise sayings about gratitude will also be part of the mix. Because when we’re thankful, we feel good. And we’re more forgiving, more charitable, and more energized to pitch in and help make this a better world.

Admission: The church is asking for minimal donations at the door --- just $5 a person.

Maldives government bans Israeli citizens over Gaza genocide. Maldives is an independent island country in the north-central Indian Ocean. It consists of a chain of about 1,200 small coral islands and it is considered the smallest country in Asia and the small Muslim majority country by land area.

The propaganda machine is hard at work in support of fueling the $$$ military industrial complex as Biden conflates Russia with Nazis. Russia lost 27 million people fighting against the Nazis!

Yesterday was the 80th anniversary of D-Day. While rightly praising the few surviving soldiers of that decisive day of battle, bravery and sacrifice in 1944, President Biden went on to conflate the hallowed D-Day counter-offensive against the Nazis, with the current U.S.-backed proxy war with Russia.

This is a total mischaracterization of the current conflict.

The Ukraine war is a wholly unnecessary conflict ignited by NATO expansionism and a $5.2 billion, US-led coup against a democratically elected government a decade ago. The conflict is now fueled by hundreds of billions of dollars of weapons and cash from NATO countries, spurred by the U.S.

The slaughter continues because the American people are being lied to, daily.


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