As hard as I try, in the privacy of my own being, not to get caught up in the scathing absurdities of the moment — e.g., the presidential election, America’ looming fascism, our love of money and war (to name a few) — yikes, here I am, caught up in it all.

And all I can do is reach for a larger truth . . . peace will prevail, the moral arc of the universe bends toward justice. And it so quickly feels like a cliché. Welcome to cynicism!

I swat at it, push it away, but it’s always there. So calm down, I tell myself. I’m doing so right now. In the context of a Biden blank stare and a looming Trump presidency, here I am, reaching for a sense of hope and transcendence — a sense of belief, a sense of joy, that humanity is evolving, that the present is just a necessary flicker in our becoming.

Details about event

Wednesday, July 10, 8pm
Columbus City Hall, 90. W. Broad St.
Join us as we remember Kareem and other sons and daughters lost to excessive police force,

Kareem Ali Nadir Jones, a Black man from Franklinton, was 30 years-old when he was fatally shot by officers Samuel James and Marc Johnson on July 7, 2017, hardly one year after some police were issued body cameras.

Jones died from the gunshot wounds three days later. His killing was the first ever to be recorded on body cameras in Columbus and used as evidence during an investigation, according to the Columbus Division of Police.

All body-worn cameras have a 60-second look-back feature that captures the previous 60 seconds of video immediately prior to activating the camera, but the feature does not capture sound.

I tried to cross into Jerusalem today (where I used to be a highschool
teacher) and was denied by the apartheid colonizers. My wife too. Our US
passports notwithstanding. This is a clear violation of the agreement
reached with the US State Department that allowed Israelis to enter the US
on a visa waiver program. US citizens are not treated with respect agreed
to. Over the weekend we were stopped from doing our field work in the
Jordan valley by these apartheid regime forces. This was not the first
time. On so many occasions we are harassed and prevented from having any
normalcy.  In other parts of Palestine, the situation is much worse. In
Gaza Strip alone over the past nine months 186,000 Palestinians were killed
by bombing them, by denial of food, water, medicine and by destroying their
infrastructure etc.  As I am in touch with many families in Gaza by phone I
hear horror stories including literally starving to death and if there is a
food it is only bread or only rice (no proteins, vegetables, milk, fruits
etc). And what worries me more are families we lost touch with (no phones).

During this past week, more evidence has emerged that Israel allowed the attacks of October 7th to happen, that Israel military enacted the Hannibal directive which allows them to kill their own soldiers and citizens rather than allow them to be taken hostage, and that the propaganda regarding dead babies and rape stories are not true.

Additionally, the Lancet reports that by “applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza”. This is 8% of the population.

(The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal and one of the oldest of its kind. It is also one of the world's highest-impact academic journals.[1][2] )

Details about event

Tuesday, July 9, 2024, 6:30 PM
All are invited to our Jewish Voice for Peace Central Ohio monthly meeting. There will be a short business meeting.

We will be showing a video with Omar Barghouti, "BDS: Ending Complicity in Genocide and Apartheid," followed by an open discussion. 

Location:  Northwood High Building, room 100, 2231 N High St, Columbus, 43201. Northwood High Room 100 parking is permitted free of charge at spaces marked "R - Reserved/Rardin Clinic/Patient Parking. Unauthorized cars parked at "A" and "B" permit spaces will result in a $60.00 citation. Free parking is also available on adjacent Norwich and Northwood Avenues after 6:00pm on weekdays and anytime on the weekend.  

Facebook Event.   

People protesting

Teach-ins, climate ribbons highlight events across the state July 8-10

This summer, activists from across the country have held mass protests in New York City calling on Citibank to stop loaning to and underwriting fossil fuel projects that are driving the climate crisis responsible for 100+° heat domes in June, Category 5 hurricanes in July, and other ongoing disasters.

Now the action is coming to Columbus. On July 9, Third Act Ohio and allied organizations will hold a Teach-in and Rally against Plastics Incineration from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the public sidewalk in front of Huntington Bank Center, 41 S. High St., in Columbus.

The event is part of a series of Summer of Heat events in Cleveland, Columbus, Athens and Cincinnati that include teach-ins on the false promise of chemical recycling, bank protests, and climate ribbon trees.

US weapon companies with business ties to Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories and who benefit from the Israeli genocide should be sued for its complicity in the crimes against Palestinian people.

Since 1952, the German government has paid over $80 billion (€71 billion) in compensations and social welfare payments to Jews who suffered under the Nazi regime. Why should Palestinian not be entitled for same right to address their grievances? We all know the saying,"what is good for the goose is good for the gander.”

In that spirit, I am here seeking the names of United States citizens who lost loved ones in the latest genocide in Gaza and Palestine and/or have members of their families injured as a result of the Israeli use of US manufactured weapons. For example, Lockheed Martin and Google are two top US companies that currently provide weapon technology to the state of Israel. Those companies should be held accountable under US laws.


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