Octagon Mound

Any decision in the Ohio History Connection’s (OHC) eminent domain lawsuit to fully reclaim The Octagon from the Moundbuilders County Club has been delayed yet again.

The trial, after many previous delays, had been rescheduled for July 15. Late last Friday, the 12th, OHC and Moundbuilders had a telephone conference with Judge Branstool asking for the trial to be delayed. This usually means the parties are close to a settlement, which would be more good news for The Octagon – sacred Native American ground, arguably a temple to the moon, which was designated Ohio’s first United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage site in 2023.

Details about event

Thursday, July 18, 2pm, Franklin County Government Center 373 S. High St., first floor, auditorium

Let’s show County Treasurer Brooks Sullivan that we won’t let our tax dollars fund genocide!

Franklin County Treasurer Cheryl Brooks Sullivan

• Invested over $11 million of county tax dollars in Israel Bonds since October 7.

• Attended a virtual event featuring Netanyahu.

• Said in an email that she stands in “solidarity” with Israel after escalated bombing of Gaza.

• Is good friends with Israel Bonds lobbyist, Kathe Turial.

• Said “as long as I am legally allowed to invest in it . . . I continue to invest in [Israel Bonds].”

Hosted by Jewish Voice for Peace Central Ohio.

Facebook Event

Much has been written about the political earthquakes in Britain and France, the first
resulting in the crushing defeat of the Conservative Party and the latter in the
overpowering of the far right, by a largely leftist coalition.
But these were not the only important outcomes of the July 4 and July 7 general elections
in two of Europe's most influential countries.
One other important, if not unprecedented outcome, was the centrality of the Palestinian
cause to the political discourses in London and Paris which, in truth, are only reflections
of greater changes underway on the entire European continent and body politic.
For a long time, we have been told that outward advocacy of Palestinian rights is a lost
political cause in Europe, where Israel holds a special status due to the West's historical
role in creating, sustaining and defending Israel.
That affinity, however, was cemented by more than mere political traditions. In countries
like the United States - but also Britain and France - the pro-Israel lobby served the role

Every bullet fired into a crowd penetrates the national soul — or so it seems to me, as I continue to grapple emotionally with the Trump-rally shooting in Butler, Pa. on July 13, which left one attendee murdered, several others wounded and the shooter himself dead.

As with all such shootings, this goes beyond “motive” into a collective nethersphere of uncertainty. For God’s sake, what is life? Why is it so, shall we say, cheap? Why are we organized — politically, socially — primarily around its elimination? Why are guns so damn sacred . . . not to mention fighter jets, nuclear weapons, our annual military budget? Why do the following words make me cringe:

“We cannot — must not — go down this road in America, Violence has never been the answer.”

Hand writing with a pen

We are being told to "tone down" the rhetoric in politics by the press, and by politicians, mainly Democrats.

There is a purpose in this, and that is to "equate" the rhetoric as being the same on both sides. That is clearly not the case.

There is plenty of evidence that Trump is spreading hateful rhetoric and is suggesting violence to achieve his goal of power. In e-mails to supporters, Trump used language like he needed to be elected or there would be "total annihilation" of the country.

Another e-mail talked of "striking fear" into the hearts of our "deep state enemies." Now, I also think the intelligence services have too much power, but Trump labels anyone who disagrees with him as being "deep state."

The man Trump put in charge of the State Department in his administration, Pompeo, was a former CIA director. Trump does not seem to mind the "deep state" when they agree with him. Even more dangerous.

In another writing, Trump said "The Final Battle" begins in seven days. After I except the presidential nomination next week, the liberation of America truly begins."

Black men walking in a line

The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows slavery if it's punishment for a crime. In Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Texas, state governments force prisoners to work without pay. In many other states, prisoners are forced to work for virtually no pay.

At the state level, many states allow slavery, most of them in their Constitutions with language very similar to that of the 13th Amendment. In 2018, Colorado changed its Constitution to fully outlaw slavery. Since RootsAction began advocating on this issue, Nebraska and Utah have done the same in 2020, as have Oregon, Alabama, Tennessee, and Vermont in 2022.

Details about event

Tuesday, July 16, 2024  |  noon–1:15 p.m. EDT  |  Zoom

After months of rulemaking, following the template Ohio voters put into law through passage of Issue 2, the Ohio Department of Commerce has established a licensing process for the state’s first adult-use cannabis operators. Ohio medical marijuana operators have a priority in obtaining adult-use licenses, and Ohio could have adult-use stores operating around the state as soon as this summer. Yet many questions about industry regulations and operations remain unanswered, including what legal changes might move forward in the Ohio General Assembly, when and how Issue 2’s social equity provisions will be implemented, and the impacts of an adult-use market on the state’s medical marijuana program.

Please join the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center and our panel of experts as we discuss these topics and more.



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