Details about event

Sunday, July 21, 11am, Ching Ter Maitreya Temple, 2891 E. Dublin-Granville Rd.

As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, there’s no better time to soak up all the summer season has to offer. We can’t wait to enjoy the summer season with you all.

The vegan pop-up is a wonderful family-friendly market with new and returning vendors selling vegan food, goods, and sweets. And what better way to celebrate all that summer has to offer than with a vegan market? Come join us!

A portion of the proceeds will go to a local non-profit organization.

Admission is free.

Check here for the vendor list.

Hosted by Columbus Vegan Meetup.

Facebook Event

This is very important and no country can claim these are "disputed
territories" or that there is a "conflict" any more. In a stunning and
highly researched opinion, the International Court of Justice (highest
global legal authority) concluded that all activities carried out by Israel
(the occupying power) in the occupied areas (Golan, Gaza, West Bank
including Jerusalem) are illegal  (violate international law) and must be
dismantled and reparations made. Illegal activities include Jewish
settlements building, home demolitions, walls, economic deprivation, ethnic
cleansing etc.  The court ruled per international law that the decades long
occupation must end and that Palestinian must have self-determination

As Joe Biden inches toward retirement, right-wing attacks on his presumptive replacement, Kamala Harris, are already beyond the pale.

The meanness of spirit and naïveté can sometimes be breathtaking.

Take a vicious recent commentary by David Suissa in LA’s Jewish Journal.

Suissa welcomes Trump’s nomination of JD Vance as a “breath of politically incorrect fresh air” and a “middle finger to identity politics.”

Suissa presumes that Trump has big-heartedly chosen Vance for the VP slot out of a selfless bow to “the best man for the job.”

By contrast, Suissa implies that the choice of Harris means just to fill the Democratic ticket with a woman of color. Her prominence, he implies, is strictly the product of her politically correct race and gender.

The level of deception is mind-boggling…but deadly characteristic of the Trump Cult.

Two signs saying Truth and Lies

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has highlighted a deeply troubling trend in American politics: the pervasive spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories. Following the incident at a rally in Pennsylvania, baseless claims quickly spread online, suggesting that the attack was orchestrated by political opponents or even President Biden himself. Figures like Senator JD Vance and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene have propagated these theories, further fueling division​​.


President Joe Biden has signed the ADVANCE Act, a measure passed overwhelmingly by both houses of the U.S. Congress which promotes nuclear power.

“I signed the ADVANCE Act, a bipartisan win for American energy security, innovation and achieving economy-wide, net-zero emissions by 2050. Clean nuclear power and good union jobs. That’s what the ADVANCE Act will help deliver,” declared Biden on his “President Joe Biden” Facebook page on July 9th after signing the measure sitting at his desk in the Oval Office of the White House surrounded by a group of its Congressional supporters. 

The “ADVANCE” stands for “Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy.”

Details about event

You still have time! Until July 22, you can submit your comments – pro or con – to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) concerning the rescheduling of marijuana, moving it from the most restrictive Schedule I to the lesser controlled Schedule III. The background concerning this move by the U.S. Justice Department can be found in the last Mary Jane’s Guide.

The great ANDREA MILLER from the Center for Common Ground then takes us through a devastating exposition of the US Supreme Court’s decision to restore an absolute monarchy to the North American continent.

Her “Protecting Democracy from the Court” lays out in terrifying detail the Supremes’ attack on democracy.  Their decisions range from dismissing charges against January 6 insurrectionists to establishing the divine right of a sitting president—-and maybe even an ex-president—-to break any laws they want.

MYLA RESON asks about the Biden Plan for reorganizing the Supreme Court.  

ERIC LAZARUS proposes a civil assembly to substitute for the Court as is done in Ireland.

GREGG GORDON says “we’re the King” and points out that the Court’s decision now applies to President Biden, giving him absolute power….for the time being.

LYNN FEINERMAN tells us of GREG PALAST’S cinematic warning, in the movie “Vigilantes”,  against vote challenging, which allows a single individual to disqualify thousands of registered voters without due process.  


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