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Protest at Chase "McCoy Center" Headquarters in Columbus
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 3:30 – 5:00 PM

Chase is THE LARGEST fossil fuel funder on the planet. They've pumped over $434 BILLION into deadly fossil fuels worldwide since 2016.  

JOIN US for a protest at Chase "McCoy Center" headquarters in Columbus. If this is the 'Real McCoy' they need a REALITY CHECK!  

This will be peaceful protests and we do not anticipate any arrest risk. Rain or shine (unless lightning).

This protest, organized by Third Act Ohio, is part of a larger "Spring Spark" group of actions happening in NYC and across the country on this day.  

All are welcome.  Please Be There!!  

Meet up: 3:30pm, Krispy Kreme, 1021 Polaris Pkwy, Columbus (inside if raining, parking lot, otherwise).  We will convene and move to 2 close-by protest sites.  

If you have questions, or need a ride to the protest site, please email us at

The Israeli police attacked a tent for mourning the death of Palestinian Walid Abu Daqqah who perished in an Israeli prison due to medical negligence. Waleed who? Waleed Abu Daqqah: A Palestinian whom you should know.
On Monday April 8, 2024, the Israeli police did the unthinkable when they stormed the funeral tent of martyred prisoner Walid Abu Daqqah in the city of Baqa al-Gharbiya in 1948 occupied Palestine. This happened after Walid Abu Daqqah, a 62-year-old Palestinian intellectual and prisoner, died of terminal cancer in an Israeli prison. 
Walid Abu Daqqah spent 38 years in prison after being convicted of commanding a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)-affiliated group that kidnapped and killed an IOF soldier. Although he was not directly convicted of the murder, he was found guilty of leading the group, a charge he consistently denied. Abu Daqqah, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, was born in Baqa al-Gharbiyye in 1961. His arrest occurred in 1986, two years after a group of Palestinians- 48 abducted and killed an Israeli occupation soldier named Moshe Tamam.
US Congress

Vote is expected this Tuesday.  Sample script:  "Hello, I am a constituent from zip code _______. I am calling Senator ________ to vote against (H.R. 8034) Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act. This bill has passed the house. It would provide $26 billion in military aid to Israel. Please tell the Senator to vote NO. We must forge a new path forward. A path that creates lasting peace.  We can it continue unconditional funds to Israel while they continue to risk an escalation to a regional war and make plans to invade Rafah where 1.1million Palestinians have sought refuge. Senator Brown - phone 202-224-2315 and Senator JD Vance - phone 202-224-3353.

Dwight David Eisenhower, the Prophet-President of the United States, sixty-four years ago warned of the ascension of the military-industrial state, presently morphed into the military-industrial-intelligence complex, which, fully in control of our government, induces and manipulates our fears, creating serial enemies, justifying endless war for profit, openly canceling long-cherished constitutional rights, within  the hoary rubric of “National Security,” read: Plunder of the American taxpayer.  

Congress, as an Article One creation is in the thrall of  murderous interest groups which  are actively driving mass killings, assassinations, famine and ethnic cleansing, the progeny of genocide, in plain sight, recycling  U.S. taxpayers’ hard-earned money to tighten its grip on American politics, all the while using its media influence to deny any of this is happening, denying even the existence of a people, or how they died,  as  bodies pile up by the tens of thousands in Gaza.

Feminist chorus

(This article first appeared in the Buckeye Flame)

What happens when Ohio’s feminist chorus, a prestigious university and a philosopher all get angry about racial injustice?

Audiences in northeast Ohio are about to find out as Windsong, Cleveland’s feminist chorus, has teamed up with Case Western Reserve University’s chorale and author and philosopher Dr. Myisha Cherry in “A Concert for Rage,” which will be performed on Saturday, April 27th at 6 pm at the Maltz Performing Arts Center in University Circle.

The Buckeye Flame spoke with Jessica Steuver, Windsong’s artistic director, about this unique upcoming event. To listen, click play directly below or read our (edited) conversation beneath the audio link.

For folks who don’t know about Windsong, tell us about the chorus?


We finally made it to my house. Jean and I had to convince Annie to keep walking with us because she kept trying to turn back towards her house. I saw Mr. Jimmy’s cab as we approached the front of the house. The first thought that came to my mind was that this was gonna be a problem. The goal was to get Annie to our bedroom to hide until he came home. Now I had to figure out how to sneak her into the house without her father seeing her. We wanted Annie to see him first and then decide if she wanted to speak with him. Difficult but not impossible.

“Hold on a minute.” I stopped and turned to face Annie. “That’s your father’s cab in front of our house. He may be in the living room or kitchen.”

Jean scoffed “What’s he doing here? He’s supposed to be at work.”

“Well, he’s not, as you can plainly see, good grief! Focus!” I shook my head at Jean and turned back to Annie who was looking at the cab.

“That’s his cab? I see that cab and the other ones all the time. I didn’t know my father drove one.” Annie said in wonder.

Man planting tree

Earth Day Tree Planting
Monday, April 22, 5pm

Quarry Trails Metro Park, 2600 Dublin Rd., Columbus, OH, United States, Ohio 43228 

Come and plant trees for Earth Day!! All supplies provided.

Meet at the Dog Park Parking lot. Use address 2600 and follow roadway to the Dog Park.




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