
Given the lying and fact twisting that have routinely been part and parcel of accounts of what is occurring in the Middle East, the past several weeks have nevertheless been shocking in terms of how an abysmally low standard of truth can be reduced even farther. Looking at developments objectively, one comes up with a series of facts. First of all, Israel was not at war with either Syria or Iran during the first weeks in April. Iran had never attacked Israel prior to that point and Syria last fought Israel in 1973, over fifty years ago. Israel, however, has regularly been assassinating Iranian officials and scientists and it has been frequently been bombing Syria since 2017, increasing the pace to weekly and sometimes even daily attacks over the past six months paralleling the Gaza fighting.

The western discourse on the circumstances behind the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 75 years ago, is hardly convincing. 

 Yet, that over-simplified discourse must be examined in order for the current decline of the organization to be appreciated beyond the self-serving politics of NATO’s members. 

 The history records page of the US State Department speaks of the invention of NATO in a language suitable for a US high school history book. 

 "After the destruction of the Second World War, the nations of Europe struggled to rebuild their economies and ensure their security," it reads, which compelled the US to take action: "(integrating) Europe as vital to the prevention of communist expansion across the continent."


A shout-out to young people who are aspirational change-makers is wanted in a new youth-led initiative to help address high rates of illiteracy within the community.

The Youth Ambassador role in Columbus (Ohio), provides a young person with a platform to advocate and talk about the falling rates of reading skills and create increased community education and awareness about the vital importance of foundational literacy skills for lifelong benefits.

In late 2022, just after the US mid-term elections, a billionaire cabal gathered in Florida to plot out Donald Trump’s return to power.

These mega/MAGA autocrats were at last ready to move their radically enhanced coup corps far beyond Trump’s shocking 2020 electoral defeat and the failure of the January 6 attack.

They met in a hidden high tech center deep in the bowels of Mar-a-Lago, with ample access to the secret documents the president-in-exile provided for their use.

A top Trump operative---possibly Steve Bannon---convened the cabal in person.  Vladimir Putin, Bibi Netanyahu and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, were summoned by zoom. 

They were joined by heads of state, rightist hundred-billionaires, Agency spooks, snarling hit men. 

The conspirators used AI to scramble their voices.

But a shadowy mole…who has since “committed suicide”…slipped the proceedings onto the internet. 

Other meetings have followed in total secrecy.    


Saturday, April 20, 7-11pm

Protecting, Honoring, and Celebrating Animals.
Old First Presbyterian Church, 1101 Bryden Rd. (at corner of Ohio Avenue)
Doors open at 7. Speakers from 7:30-8:

Britt from Colony Cats on their ambitious trap and release program, Lisa Chapman, OSU master gardener on how to create a pollinator garden using native plants.

Live music from 8-10: guitarlst L.A. Jenkins.

Paintings and pastels by artist Dale Johnson will be shown.

Light snacks and beverages to be served, games and an animal coloring contest with no age limit!

There is no admission for Third Space events but we encourage donations to our partner non-profits and to cover some of the outlay for the event. Art, food, community,


Volunteers posing outside

Throughout April
Be part of the largest volunteer event around Earth Day in the United States with Green Columbus.
Volunteer here


The New York Times coverage of the Israeli carnage in Gaza, like that of other mainstream US media, is a disgrace to journalism. 

 This assertion should not surprise anyone. US media is driven neither by facts nor morality, but by agendas, calculating and power-hungry. The humanity of 120 thousand dead and wounded Palestinians because of the Israeli genocide in Gaza is simply not part of that agenda. 

 In a report - based on a leaked memo from the New York Times - the Intercept found out that the so-called US newspaper of record has been feeding its journalists with frequently updated 'guidelines' on what words to use, or not use, when describing the horrific Israeli mass slaughter in the Gaza Strip, starting on October 7. 


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