
This conversation depicts a dialogue between an Israeli father and his son discussing the father's negative views and prejudices against Palestinians. The son challenges his father's stereotypes by expressing a real concern about the Israeli and Palestinian hostages as well as the killing of Palestinian women & children and the importance of open-mindedness.
Son: Daddy, why did Hamas attack us on October 7?
Father: Because they are evil & hate Jews.
Son: How come we are killing their kids? Are they evil too?
Father: Israel wants Palestinians off the land of Gaza, sooner or later. Why not kill 
            their children now and get it over with?
Son: Doesn't the book of Torah say that soldiers must not cause any harm to the non-
         combatant people like women and children?
Father: You must be talking about the Quran, sweetheart!     
Son: Daddy, why are we cutting food, water, and electricity from Gaza?
Dad: So they can leave, surrender, or die.

The “Old Amateurs” of Columbus – also known as those who do most of the hard work in the community – have not been invited by City officials to take personal tours beginning this week of the “Zone In” gallery which opened downtown at 141 N. Front Street. The gallery offers an opportunity for the public to see and comment on the zoning overhaul which could radically change Columbus’s major corridors.

To the City’s credit, members of our LGBTQ+ community, recent immigrants, and the arts community have been invited (pictured above). But those at the head of the line for a personal tour are “Young Professionals,” who are coveted by “Zone In Columbus” considering they’re the few who will able to afford the tiny condos and apartments in the tall towers which “Zone In” will green light for high-end developers to build in Columbus’s major corridors.

Banner about Googles against Genocide

What ever happened to "Don't Be Evil"?

Google dropped that as its motto several years ago.

Then it took on (jointly with Amazon) a $1.2 billion contract with the Israeli military and government.

When Google employees objected -- perhaps remembering that old motto -- Google fired at least 50 of them.

But shouldn't some things be required even if they're not your motto? Things like "Don't Be Genocidal"?

Tell Google what you think with a quick email by clicking here.

Bomb and peace sign

We constantly hear the media and officials refer to the OSU student encampment as “pro-Palestinian.” We counter by suggesting it should be called a peace movement by students simply asking that, as stakeholders in the university, their tuition money is not spent to kill innocent civilians. Their message is consistent – demanding the college divest from Israel because the money is funding the war in Gaza and the West Bank. National news repeat the phrase “pro-Palestinian” when referring to encampment sites at other universities all over the country.

As activists on the street protesting US involvement in the first Gulf War in 1992 and the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars, we have no recollection that any media or officials assumed we were fans of Saddam or the Taliban. No one called our rallies “pro-Iraqi” protests.

We live in contentious, troubled times when Americans are increasingly divided along political, ethnic, sexual lines – consider the fact that a recent box office hit is a movie about a near-future embattled USA entitled, literally, Civil War. Now along comes playwright Christian St. Croix’s Monsters of the American Cinema, which instead poses in stark contrast the unity of two polar opposites. Remy (portrayed by Kevin Daniels, an actor so large that he played Magic Johnson in the 2012 Broadway production of Magic/ Bird) is a Black gay man, who operates a drive-in movie theater at Santee, San Diego County. As Remy’s former husband has died, he has stepped up to the plate to raise his late partner’s son, Pup (Logan Leonardo Arditty), a white straight teenager of average height.

Almost 40 years ago, I attended The Ohio State University. I was so proud that when I was presented with different options for my graduate studies, I chose OSU and prayed to be admitted. My prayers were answered. Ever since, Columbus has been my home. My children are Buckeyes.  That was a no-brainer in our family. So proud that while working overseas, myself and other Buckeyes formed an OSU Alumni Club with many activities. We even created social media groups for those of us who attended OSU. In other words, I am a Buckeye to the bone as well as my entire family. At one point, my daughter Jana, while my wife was at work, asked that we remodel her room with an OSU theme. Sure enough, we went to Sears, bought scarlet and gray paint and painted her room and furniture with OSU colors. The Lantern has articles with our names, mine and my children, being cited on so many issues, domestic and international. OSU St John Arena was selected for the “Town Meeting” planned by President Clinton where he sent his national security team —National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Defense Secretary William Cohen and Secretary of State Madeline Albright, when he planned to bomb Iraq.

Details about event

Monday, April 29
The event at the courthouse in the morning is not a protest.  The plan is for people to remain outside the courthouse and show their love and support for the people inside when they exit.  

Details about event

Sunday, April 28, 3pm, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 93 W. Weisheimer Rd.

Come hear the Columbus Women’s Chorus sing songs for and about children of all ages. Tickets are $15. Children under 12 years of age are free. Tickets may be purchased here or at the door.

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Hosted by Columbus Women’s Chorus.

Facebook Event

Sign saying OSU liberation zone

Almost 40 years ago, I attended The Ohio State University. I was so proud that when I was presented with different options for my graduate studies, I chose OSU and prayed to be admitted. My prayers were answered. Ever since, Columbus has been my home. My children are Buckeyes.  That was a no-brainer in our family. So proud that while working overseas, myself and other Buckeyes formed an OSU Alumni Club with many activities. We even created social media groups for those of us who attended OSU. In other words, I am a Buckeye to the bone as well as my entire family. At one point, my daughter Jana, while my wife was at work, asked that we remodel her room with an OSU theme. Sure enough, we went to Sears, bought scarlet and gray paint and painted her room and furniture with OSU colors. The Lantern has articles with our names, mine and my children, being cited on so many issues, domestic and international. OSU St John Arena was selected for the “Town Meeting” planned by President Clinton where he sent his national security team —National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Defense Secretary William Cohen and Secretary of State Madeline Albright, when he planned to bomb Iraq.


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