
Protest in DC

I received an invite: the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) organized a protest at the Supreme Court in defense of reproductive freedom. People could ride a bus from Ohio into DC for ACLU’s Supreme Court rally, 3-26-2024. The Supreme Court was taking arguments which would ban abortion pills….the case against abortion pills was weak. The case wouldn’t prove there was enough evidence to overrule the Food and Drug Administration’s approval. Sometimes the Supreme Court rejects underdeveloped arguments regardless of the Justices’ political bias.

While I believe Trump should be removed from the ballot because of his violating the insurrection clause…the Colorado case removing Trump from the ballot failed because the REPUBLICANS who presented removing Trump from the ballot didn’t have a conviction of Trump for insurrection.

We know Trump’s Supreme Court nominees overturned Roe V. Wade….I’m pro-choice.

The recycling center

What: Meijer has officially opened its garden centers across the Columbus area, offering a bounty of blooms, greenery, landscaping supplies, various tools and more to welcome customers into the spring season.

When purchasing garden items, plastic trays are often used to hold them and unfortunately, not disposed properly. That’s why Meijer offers customers a free service to return them safely and conveniently at any of its garden centers.

Meijer began collecting the plastic gardening containers – which primarily come from its three suppliers of annuals, like geraniums or petunias – in 2014 and has since contributed to the recycling of approximately 2,100 tons of plastic.

When: Meijer garden centers are open all season long. Check your local store for hours.

Where: At all Meijer garden center locations, customers can easily spot the recycling carts where they can place their trays and pots.


Israel described its clearly deliberate killing of seven humanitarian aid workers on April 1 as a “grave mistake”, a “tragic event” that “happens in war”. 

 Israel is, obviously, lying. This entire so-called war - actually genocide - in Gaza, has been based on a series of lies, some of which Israel continues to peddle. 

invited three insightful analysts of present-day U.S. foreign policy to share their thoughts in a roundtable discussion. Here are excerpts from Phyllis Bennis, Jackson Lears and Jeffrey Sachs.

-- Norman Solomon

 Question: How would you assess the most important aspects of current U.S. foreign policy?

 Phyllis Bennis: I think the most important aspects are the most problematic ones. The focus on militarism that leads to a military budget this year of $921 billion, almost a trillion dollars, an unfathomable number translates to $0.53 out of every discretionary federal dollar going directly to the military. And if you add in the militarism side of things, the federal prison system, the militarization of the borders, ICE, deportations, all those things, you come up with $0.62 out of every discretionary federal dollar.

An enormous flash, a mushroom cloud, multi-thousands of human beings dead. We win!

Nuclear weapons won’t go away, the cynics — the souls in despair — tell us. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. You can’t, as Gen. James E. Cartwright, former head of U.S. Strategic Command, once put it, “un-invent nuclear weapons.” So apparently we’re stuck with them until the “big oops” happens and humanity becomes extinct. Until then: Modernize, modernize, modernize. Threaten, threaten, threaten

David Barash and Ward Wilson make the case that this is completely false. We're not "stuck" with nuclear weapons any more than we’re stuck with obsolete and ineffective technology of any sort, bluntly pointing out: “Crappy ideas don’t have to be forgotten in order to be abandoned.

Sam Randazzo

Sam Randazzo was once the Chair of the Ohio Public Utilities Commission.

Now, at 74, he’s dead by apparent suicide. 

As is the “Nuclear Renaissance.” 

Dating back many years, we often encountered Sam at energy hearings in Columbus. He was always personable and friendly as we exchanged handshakes and smiles. 

That we were totally on opposite sides of the issues was like an inside joke between us.

But he was there to lobby for the fossil/nuclear industry while we were demanding Ohio get its energy from wind and solar—which it could be doing today except for Sam and his corporate bankrollers’ highly effective back channel arm twisting.

Randazzo was always highly paid…TOO well paid, which is what led to his death in a Columbus warehouse owned by a shell company he controlled.

Apparently it was a suicide, though one can never be entirely sure when there are millions of bucks flying around in bribes. 

Because unbeknownst to us and even some of those paying him, Sam played both sides of the fence. 

Ohio Statehouse

Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 12:00 PM
The #NoDeathPenaltyOH campaign is going to the statehouse on April 10 and we’re parking right out front.   

Governor DeWine will be delivering the State of the State address at noon, so we want to make sure people see our message! Join us to gather at the truck and demonstrate support for repeal. We’ll have campaign swag to give away and postcards to fill out to lawmakers. You can also opt in to help us make some social media content!  

Location:  Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus.   

Register here


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