
When the Washington Post revealed Friday afternoon that “the Biden administration in recent days quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to Israel,” a lot of people cared. Readers of the story posted more than 10,000 comments on its webpage. A leading progressive site for breaking news, Common Dreams, quickly followed up with coverage under a headline that began with the word “obscene.” Responses on social media were swift and strong; a tweet about the Post scoop from our team at RootsAction received more than 600,000 views.

People posing on beach

April is Earth Month, and we’re bringing you the tools you need to make a difference this April — for the planet, and for our health.

This year’s Earth Day theme, Planet vs. Plastics, calls on individuals, businesses, and governments to unite in combating plastic pollution. We demand a 60% reduction in plastic production by 2040 and the elimination of single-use plastics by 2030, paving the way for a plastic-free future.

The Earth Day movement depends on each and every individual to take action, and we’re bringing you an easy way to spread the word. Simply visit, share, and comment on our social media posts to help drive awareness and engagement around the world.

We’re highlighting 3 key actions you can take this month:


I Hear Things 

On the way home from the police station, she asked Jimmy several times why he was being questioned by Richardson. Jimmy wouldn’t give her a straight answer at first, causing Shelia to raise her voice at him, so he finally gave in, before she cursed him out, and told her it was about Smooth. “What about Smooth?” Shelia asked as Jimmy parked the car in front of their home.

“Nothing, really, just about cab rides.”

Shelia looked at him with a look of uncertainty “That doesn’t make sense. He could have got that information from Sissy. It’s her job to keep track of cab runs, isn’t it?” Jimmy nodded his head in the affirmative, got out of the cab and walked into the house, leaving Shelia in the cab alone.


Monday, April 1, 2024, 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Those who admonish Palestinian Resistance, armed or otherwise, have little understanding of the psychological ramifications of resistance, such as a sense of collective empowerment, honor and hope. 

 But resistance is not just a rifle, a rocket launcher. The latter are but one manifestation in resistance and, if not backed by strong popular support, they hardly have much impact. 

 Indeed, all forms of sustainable resistance have to be rooted in culture, which helps it generate new meanings, over time. 

 In the case of the Palestinian struggle, the concept of resistance is multifaceted and strongly embedded in the collective psyche of generations of Palestinians, which allows it to surpass the ideological and political confines of factions and political groups.  

 Though the symbols of this resistance - for example, the kuffiyeh, the flag, the map and the key - are part of this generation of meanings, they are mere signifiers of ideas, beliefs and values that are truly profound. 

Details about event

Sunday, March 31, 5-8:45pm, Ohio Union [Archie Griffin Grand Ballroom], 1739 N. High St.

Join Students for Justice in Palestine at The Ohio State University, the Muslim Students Association at The Ohio State University, and several other organizations in the Archie Griffin Ballroom from 5pm to 8:30pm for a community Iftar Relief banquet for Gaza with HEAL [Health, Education, Aid, and Leadership] Palestine and Palestine Aid Society that will be hosted by Abdurrahman Wood.

There will be guest speakers, an auction, and a dinner catered by Zaytoon Mediterranean Grill and Lavash Cafe! All proceeds will be donated to HEAL [Health, Education, Aid, and Leadership] Palestine and the Palestine Aid Society. Everyone is welcome; formal or traditional attire is encouraged! We hope to see you there!

Tickets are on sale now at

Hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine at The Ohio State University.

Facebook Event

Israel’s plan to expand into an Eretz or “Greater” state incorporating large chunks of its neighbors’ land starts with eliminating the pre-1948 inhabitants of a place once known as Palestine. That nearly all of those who think of themselves as Palestinians must be killed or otherwise removed is perhaps reduced to an aphorism, like “Israel has a right to defend itself,” to absolve the Israeli state and its rampaging army of any guilt in the process. Indeed, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ability to avoid any serious consequences for his behavior is remarkable, and it generates further atrocities that might have been unimaginable when the fighting in Gaza started back in October.


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