
Cheryl posing


In 2016, an unlikely candidate defeated the incumbent Franklin County Treasurer, Ed Leonard in the primary. As an incumbent with the backing of the Democratic Party, Leonard ran a reserved campaign for what he thought would be an easy win. His opponent had a lack of resources and participated in none of the meddlesome activities associated with running a hopeful political campaign: no door-knocking, fundraising, speeches, or media interviews were conducted. 

Joe Keehner

The Free Press Second Saturday Salon will present an Earth Day Birthday celebration for WGRN 91.9 FM community radio on Saturday, April 13, 2024. WGRN will honor it’s “Volunteer of the Year,” Board member Joe Keehner. And “Producer of the Year,” Felice Thomas.

The doors will open at 5:30 with light refreshments, socializing and an awards ceremony. It is followed by a 7:00 PM concert by folk musician Tom Neilson.

The celebration and award event will be held in Beach Hall at the First Unitarian Universalist Church at 93 West Weisheimer Rd. in Columbus. For information, contact:

WGRN is pleased to present the “Volunteer of the Year” award to Joe Keehner, a continuing and one the first members of the Central Ohio Green Education Fund (COGEF) that operates the WGRN community radio station.

The 31st annual Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Festival is taking place this weekend. LAWTF shines the limelight on women of various ethnicities who perform solo shows. This year’s theme is “Telling Our Truths.” On March 23 the Festival held “Intersection: Day of Workshops and Panels,” wherein, according to publicity, “participants gathered in a series of enriching workshops and engaging panels led by experienced industry professionals” at the Lankershim Arts Center in North Hollywood.

Identifying the Unethical Pushers of Experimental Vaccines, Especially the Co-opted, Vaccinology-illiterate Big Media Journalists, Talking Heads, Legislators, Presidents, Governors, Healthcare Providers, etc.

 Also Identifying Big Pharma’s Collaborators That Have Been Bribed (or Just Bamboozled) Into Pushing Their Still-experimental Vaccines: CDC/NIAID Bureaucrats and Epidemiologists; Lobbyists; University Faculty Researchers; Internet Trolls; Family Foundations (like the Gates Foundation); the World Economic Forum; and Even the Once-honorable World “Health” Organization

Original version posted at:

I got dozens of positive feedback on my "redirection" to focus only or 95%
on positive news for a time (few weeks may) to balance....

"The Old World is dying and the new world is struggling to be born: now is
the time for monsters" wrote Antonio Gramsci  But Arundhati Roy adds
"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I
can hear her breathing.” I indeed can....We Palesinians have experience in
resurrection and remember the story of the Phoenix rising from the ashes,
that comes from our region. Both the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible have
many statements on hope]

ITEM 1: Resilience/Sumud of Gaza in a holy season
Gaza Muslims sharing when they have food and when they don't

At last Columbus City Council joined over 100 US cities, towns, and villages who have passed a ceasefire resolution demanding President Biden and members of Congress to do everything in their power to end the Israeli assault on Gaza that have left over 32,000 Palestinian civilians dead and close to 75,000 more injured. Local Palestinians and their supporters who lobbied CCC for 5 months to pass this measure are now relieved and happy. I firmly believe that passing a ceasefire resolution by Columbus City Council helps make difference by bringing better safety and well-being for Palestinians and Israelis alike. A ceasefire and the restoration of basic necessities along with humanitarian aid would enable the development of political solutions, including the release and safe return of ALL hostages (Palestinians included), rather than resorting to violence through a military option.  Currently, there are 129 hostages believed to be held in Gaza, among there eight American citizens. In addition to that, there are still the remains of 21 Israelis who were tragically killed in the IOF bombing.


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