
Robert Koehler is an award-winning, Chicago-based journalist and nationally syndicated writer. Contact him at or visit his website at

Articles by Author

23 December 2018

“They must kill and continue to kill, strange as it may seem, in order not to know that...

13 December 2018

It’s the phrase “border security” that freezes my soul every time I hear it uttered,...

09 December 2018

When I popped open the old laptop, the Geek Squad guy said maybe I should dust it off....

28 November 2018

Suddenly America’s political cauldron bubbles with hope and possibility — not just because the Democrats have won races across the country, but because...

22 November 2018

“What is seen with one eye has no depth.”

14 November 2018

Thousand Oaks, California: a city torn apart by wildfire and gunfire. Both are unnatural...
