
01 March 2008
Discussion of Barack Obama's presidential campaign has mainly focused on the candidate's undeniable rhetorical skills and the obvious follow-up question: What, if any, substance lies behind them? He can talk the talk, but what's the walk,...
27 February 2008
CINCINNATI, OH Senator Barack Obama attended a round-table discussion today at the Museum Center, a dialogue on the future of retirement in America. Five females joined him, all between the ages of 50 and 60, the concerned guard of the...
26 February 2008
Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner commissioned a test of the electronic voting machines in Ohio and here are the results! This Penn State professor is not an election rights advocate, but he's a computer expert and his results will...
24 February 2008
Good news, America. My constant barrage of kidney stones have finally carved a path through my friendly filters, a direct route to my urethra. Now, instead of crippling pain seizing me every time some jagged little ball of calcium...
21 February 2008
Patrick McDaniel, Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering of Penn State University gives a must-see presentation on the perils of computer voting. Prof. McDaniel led the academic team that exposed vulnerabilities of the...
11 February 2008
In their focus on the electoral horse-race, the media have ignored a key difference between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton -- the positions of their foreign policy advisors on the Iraq war. As political scientist Stephen Zunes points out...


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