
29 June 2006
The eyes of the nation are once again focused on Ohio thanks in part to Robert F. Kennedy's epic essay in the June 15 Rolling Stone, entitled "Was the 2004 Election Stolen?" Kenneth F. Bunting, the Associate Publisher of the Seattle Post-...
29 June 2006
Having just watched the premier of Al Gore’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” I couldn’t help but see the parallels between the global warming issue and the 2004 stolen presidential election. Gore related his attempts over the years...
18 June 2006
In a previous posts (see: ), I’ve claimed that the official returns for third party and independent candidates in the Run-Off Election and Primary for the 50th...
15 June 2006
The prevailing silence on election fraud 2004 was interrupted June 1 by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his article Was the 2004 Election Stolen? [1] He argues clearly and forcefully that the 2004 election was stolen, basing his analysis and...
15 June 2006
“Before his swearing-in, Bilbray said he looked forward to replacing the images of airplanes that used to decorate the walls with photos of surfboards and sailboats." — USA Today

Unfortunately, the immigrant-bashing...
12 June 2006
Editor’s note:With the attacks coming fast and furious from the mainstream corporate press and their apologists like Farhad Manjoo of, the Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism/ continues to do the...


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