
19 August 2013
In Oslo, the world’s most important peace prize has been hijacked for war.
In London, government authority has just fired a new shot at freedom of the press.
And in Washington, the Obama administration continues to escalate...
18 August 2013
No one knows better than the African American as a whole that the brochure of America is better than the reality. Yet the consequence of the black church to the welfare of the African american human condition are not apparent to African...
15 August 2013
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the famous March on Washington — Aug. 28 — Americans will recall Dr. King’s famous “dream”; many can recite entire passages of his historic address.

But it’s worth recalling the full...
15 August 2013
I sat in the courtroom all day on Wednesday as Bradley Manning's trial wound its way to a tragic and demoralizing conclusion. I wanted to hear Eugene Debs, and instead I was trapped there, watching Socrates reach for the hemlock and gulp...
12 August 2013
The headquarters of the Nobel Committee is in downtown Oslo on a street named after Henrik Ibsen, whose play “An Enemy of the People” has remained as current as dawn light falling on the Nobel building and then, hours later, on a Fort...
10 August 2013
If the U.S. public began to raise a fuss about U.S. missile strikes that blow up large numbers of civilians at wedding parties abroad, it's not beyond the realm of the imaginable that the U.S. government would begin blaming the explosions...


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