
13 March 2012
“We, the people of the city of Columbus, in order to secure and exercise the powers of local self government under the constitution of the state of Ohio do enact and ordain this charter.”

So begins the Charter of the City of...
11 March 2012
BANGKOK, Thailand -- One of Thailand's most powerful politicians has denied accusations that "he was drunk" in Parliament, prompting a lively public debate about alcohol use by politicians and the legal limits on reporting such allegations...
04 March 2012
The predictable "blowback" is underway in post- Qaddafi Libya. The events in February underscore the chaos wrought by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) illegal coup in the former Italian colony of Libya.

03 March 2012
The media's ability to confuse celebrity "news" with war and economic disaster grows stronger.

As North Korea ramped up its threats to attack South Korea, CNN reassured its viewers that a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula...
02 March 2012
The great Republican Contraceptoversy of 2012 further proves the decline of old line GOP moderatism. REPUBLICANS, the so-called "business" party, should be the first to acknowledge that an unintended pregnancy's cost to society is WAY...


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