
06 June 2004
Please take a moment to register your concern for protecting the Big Darby Creek, a national scenic waterway. It is a treasure of our natural landscape threatened by unplanned urban development.

#9 Most Endangered: Big Darby...
01 June 2004
The rightist "conservative" media moguls who hate "liberals" actually hate a free America.

Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, Hannity and O'Reilly, the Weekly Standard and Wall Street Journal---they all rant at some unspecified...
30 May 2004
Not long ago, I received a letter from a prestigious university, requesting that I serve as an extramural or outsider reader to review the promotion file of another scholar seeking advancement to the level of distinguished professor. In...
30 May 2004
NEW YORK - U.S. Army Brig. Gen. (ret.) Evelyn "Pat" Foote today joined with the American Civil Liberties Union and civil libertarians across the political spectrum in opposing current draconian measures contained within the Patriot Act...
28 May 2004
Will George W. Bush use terrorism to become America's Pinochet?

Attorney-General John Ashcroft is priming the public for a terrorist attack, which can only mean Bush is sharpening his blades to behead the Constitution....


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