
30 May 2004
NEW YORK - U.S. Army Brig. Gen. (ret.) Evelyn "Pat" Foote today joined with the American Civil Liberties Union and civil libertarians across the political spectrum in opposing current draconian measures contained within the Patriot Act...
28 May 2004
Will George W. Bush use terrorism to become America's Pinochet?

Attorney-General John Ashcroft is priming the public for a terrorist attack, which can only mean Bush is sharpening his blades to behead the Constitution....
27 May 2004
With America's debacle in Iraq blaring on every TV channel, Democrats in Oregon tuned in eagerly to Kerry as he toured their state in mid-May, awaiting their champion's robust savaging of the commander in chief, tottering through some of...
27 May 2004
Why is racism accepted and unchallenged by the majority of white Americans?  Perhaps because whites, beginning at a very early age, are thoroughly socialized to uncritically accept racial inequality.  The "diversity" we say we want has...


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