
23 January 2001
We have just witnessed, in the United States, the massive and wholesale theft of the presidency. Yet the fraudulent political dynamics that propelled loser George W. Bush into the White House have happened before. A political philosopher...
23 January 2001
It’s about the vote, stupid...

There he is: Vice President Al Gore defending democracy. But yes, sisters and brothers, there is a fight underway which is not about the elections. It is about the vote and about the inconsistent nature...

23 January 2001
A pitched battle is now raging—again—to save Central Ohio’s best-known wildlife refuge. You could help make the difference.

As many of you may recall, a huge victory was won by environmental forces on the west (Columbus) side of...

23 January 2001
“In terms of conventional physics, the grouse represents only a millionth of either the mass or the energy of an acre. Yet subtract the grouse and the whole thing is dead.” -- Aldo Leopold

“New York City’s Central Park...

23 January 2001
When I became publisher of the Free Press in 1987, the media scene in Columbus was considerably different from today. The daily Citizen Journal was still being published. The Other Paper and Columbus Alive were...
23 January 2001
The State of Ohio has agreed to give free health coverage to 160,000 Ohioans who lost Medicaid since welfare reform began. This move is an important opportunity for many low-income working people to receive needed health care. The...


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