The debate about the issues of race continues. Recently we have witnessed what a shocked America will do when confronted with the evidence of a people who decide to stand up for themselves and be counted…and (in Florida) recounted and...
23 January 2001
As we were laying out the Free Press this holiday season, we were shocked by the sudden and untimely death of one-time Free Press writer, advertiser and friend, Joanna Demas-Way. Our condolences go to her husband, UFO bassist...
23 January 2001
Woe is Gore and Lieberman. Woe on Bush and Cheney. Woe for America and its systems of checks and balances, the electoral process, litigation and finally woe for the Jewish community. What the Hell is going on? Can’t any upstanding...
17 January 2001
Chavez has been cruelly taken from them, but what an immense favor Bush/Cheney did the Democrats by putting up Ashcroft and Norton! It's hard to stir up liberal passions over Powell at the State Department or Rice as National Security...
10 January 2001
The sky is black with cows coming home to roost. In Germany, it's probably the biggest crisis since 1945. Millions of Germans daren't sausage. In France, ranchers and slaughterhouse workers are blocking all roads to Paris, and traffic is...
03 January 2001
Let's finger some false prophets who often escape public ridicule because enough time has elapsed since they made their foolish predictions.
Here's that salesman of the virtues, Bill Bennett, who once co-chaired the Council on Crime...