
What’s ordinary about life suddenly becomes sacred. This is my definition of poetry — my deepest plunge into being alive.

It seems more relevant than ever, as innocent blood flows in the wars being waged by military-political bureaucracies across the planet. How many more stunned facial expressions will I see on YouTube, of parents who have just lost their children, their spouse, their siblings?

As I have noted, I have recently released an album of spoken-word poetry, plus crazy artwork, thanks to my good friends Andy Mitran and Scott Wills. Much of the poems go back to an earlier period of my life, shortly after the death of my wife from pancreatic cancer. At the time, my daughter was not quite 12 years old. Dad and teenage daughter — those were the days! (We both survived, I’m happy to say.)


Wednesday, December 20, 2023, 7:00 PM
Attention all military veterans: You are invited to a social gathering this Wednesday with other veterans. Following a meet and greet, we will open the conversation to our thoughts about current U.S. military policies. As former service members, many of us have concerns about how our forces are being. This gathering will include an introduction to the national Veterans for Peace group. We will also discuss if there is interest in setting up regular gatherings for Central Ohio veterans.

The location: the Hilltop Branch of the Columbus Public Library, 511 South Hague Ave. 

Contact: Sandy Bolzenius,

Letter to Gaza I wrote 23 October 2023 But the
orgy of slaughter of Palestitinians since October accelerated and is
expected to get worse over the coming weeks of global "holidays" (The
Jewish state does not believe in a Christmas or new year truce). The
perpetrators gloat actually about the efficiency and scale of destruction
and even threatening to do more in the West Bank (already started including
in Bethlehem and Jerusalem), and to do the same in Yemen and Lebanon (two
countries obeying international oblibgations and law by trying with meager
resources to stop the genocide/holocaust that started in Gaza). Horrifying
"firebelt" bombing of whole neighborhoods (including schools, hospitals,

Should there be a ceasefire in Gaza? Yes!

Palestinian deaths in Gaza are approaching an horrific 20,000, plus another 55,000 wounded, as Israel expands its violence into the West Bank.

One hundred and fifty-three member nations of the United Nations General Assembly agreed to a draft resolution calling for a ceasefire. The US voted “NO.”

Is Pope Francis correct in saying this has “gone beyond war. This is terrorism” as he describes what is happening in Gaza? The pope was especially focused on the sniper-murders of Nahida Anton and then her daughter trying to carry her to safety inside the Holy Family Catholic Church compound in Gaza.

Their offense? Going to the only bathroom available.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has described it “an incident.” Contrary to constant Israeli statements to the contrary there were no warnings, no justification.

Nor were there warnings for Yotem Haim and two other Israeli young men – all former hostages – who appeared shirtless, holding a white surrender flag and calling out in Hebrew who they were. They were also killed by the IDF.

GREEP zoom #161 begins with WENDI LEDERMAN & CAROLINA AMPUDIA reporting on the Florida “Democratic” Party decision to cancel its presidential primary.  

This astounding, unprecedented attack on electoral democracy accompanies a concerted attempt by the Republican Party to kill a popular referendum meant to preserve the right to abortion.  Despite having gathered more than 1.4 million signatures, Florida’s right wing is working overtime to deny the public the right to decide.

From Ohio, STEVE CARUSO reports that $4.3 million in fossil/nuclear bribes have found their way to the Chair of the Public Utilities Commission, now indicted and on trial.  E-mails between CPUC Chair Sam Randazzo and nuclear reactor owner FirstEnergy show an astonishing line of corruption aimed at bailing out Ohio’s decrepit fossil/nuke burners.

CAMILLA REES then introduces DR. NICHOLAS KARDERAS, author of Glow Kids and Digital Madness as well as a wide range of medical and professional studies on the impacts of algorithms on our brains.

People volunteering

The Open Shelter still has a few spots available next week for volunteers to help us get ready to make Christmas bright for those we serve; homeless and marginally housed men, women, and families.

We still could use volunteers on Wednesday, December 20th from 12-approximately 4p to help families with picking out gifts and with clean-up.

If you would like to sign up or have any questions, feel free to call Harry at 614-222-2885 or 614-562-2169. Thanks and Happy Holidays!


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