
We are dismayed by the silence of so many churches. Here is an Open Letter
from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians

And my message for Christmas again (since then hundreds more were

Harvey Wasserman

Monday, December 18 5pm ET


Fighting Digital Addiction
 Dr. Nicholas Kardaras
Ohio Assaults:
Abortion & Wind Power

Diablo Disaster 
Has CPUC Approval

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Cop City
Year-End Fundraiser


Young Men Die 

Detective Richardson stood in the front lobby of We Get You There cab company. The secretary, Mrs. Hanson, had offered him a chair, however, he preferred to stand rather than sit on the dirty seats. There was a large blackboard against the right wall with names of six cab drivers and their cab numbers. It appeared that only four of the drivers had checked in today. On the large brown oak desk was a picture of Mrs. Hanson and three children, two boys and a girl. Nice looking kids. Richardson flipped through his notebook, underlining a few notes with his pencil. His investigation of Booker T. had brought him to this place.

Booker T. was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Went to private schools, honor roll, basketball star, and ladies’ man. Graduated top ten of his high school class. Against his mother’s wishes, he joined the Army and ended up in Vietnam. Found out quickly that he was just another “darkie” in the Army to both the white and Black officers. Nobody cared about his mother being a prominent judge in hick town Columbus, Ohio. 

Top American officials in the “national security” establishment are notably good at smooth rhetoric and convenient silences. Their scant regard for truth or human life has changed remarkably little since 1971 when Daniel Ellsberg risked decades in prison to leak the Pentagon Papers to the world. During the years between then and his death six months ago, he was a tireless writer, speaker, and activist.

Most people remember him, of course, as the whistleblower who exposed voluminous official lies about the Vietnam War by providing 7,000 top-secret pages of classified documents to the New York Times and other newspapers. But throughout his adult life, he was transfixed above all by the imperative of preventing nuclear war.

One day in 1995, I called Dan and suggested he run for president. His reply was instant: “I’d rather be in prison.” He explained that, unlike typical candidates, he couldn’t stand to offer opinions on subjects he really knew little or nothing about.

white man smiling

I begin with a question to all residents of Columbus, Ohio. Was any one of you actually fooled by City’s Council several year campaigns of uncontrolled public deception that the rhetorical introduction of residential districts for each councilor and the increase from seven to nine would make any difference at all in the relationships between the undemocratically elected and anti-democratically operating City Council and those who live here and pay taxes and fees?

In the revision to the City Charter, “district representative”  is a poor marketing, fraudulent exercise. It actually represents the fear of democracy—not its enhancement as Council President Hardin, President Pro Tempore (of 7) Dorans, and “Mayor” in name only Ginther repeatedly claimed, never with a word of explanation.

They know no more than failing political rhetorical. They know that they would have to be responsible to a defined constituency to be elected and repeatedly re-elected. They know that election about temporary appointment would be very uncertain. That is not the Columbus Way. But it is the constitutional American Way.

Details about event

Sunday, December 17, 2pm; Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts [Davidson Theatre], 77 S. High St.

The Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus [CGMC] once again celebrates the season with Holiday! Whether you stay in with family and friends, celebrate your favorite traditions with a community, or simply take a Holiday around the world, CGMC has you covered to start your season! We will sing and dance through your favorite sacred and secular music that will leave you feeling gay and bright!

This concert will feature Illuminati, CGMC’s sacred music ensemble.

Ticket prices: $47.00 and $37.00.

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Hosted by Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus.

Facebook Event

Details about event

Saturday, December 16, 6pm, Makoy Center, 5462 N. Center St., Hilliard, Ohio

Join us, alongside other Columbus Arab and student organizations, and New Generation for Palestine (NGP) for a night of solidarity and urgent support for Gaza. This will be a non-political fundraiser for the sole purpose of collecting funds for two non-profit organizations, PAMA and UHR, that provide aid to Gaza.

There will be food, a silent auction, vendor booths, and Amer Zahr as the host for the night. Also, please refrain from bringing your children; there will be no entertainment with respect for the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Tickets are limited.

Purchase tickets through this linkWe hope to see everyone there!

General admission: $25.00 + $1.50 booking fee.

RSVP for this event by using this link.

Hosted by New Generation for Palestine.

Facebook Event


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