
Todays presentation features the great AMORY LOVINS in a monumental recorded conversation on the rise of a renewable/efficiency-based economy.

This discussion was presented at a Green Grassroots Emergency Election Protection zoom (#157, Part 2) on November 13, 2023.

In 1975, Amory gave a pioneer talk at the TOWARD TOMORROW FAIR in Amherst, Massachusetts.

Amory's landmark vision introduced the world to the coming realities of a totally green-powered Earth.

In his later Road Not Taken, published by Foreign Affairs Magazine, Amorys breakthrough insights have helped lay the foundation for one of humankinds most critical technological revolutions"and one of it biggest industries, with revenues reaching into the multi-trillions, and job-creating in the multi-millions.

Amory later personally delivered the basic memorandum to Jimmy Carter, helping to birth (among other things) the establishment of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

“Red Rover, Red Rover, let Bobby come over!”

I can feel the wind on my face, the gravel at my feet – oh so minutely, but with enough realness to pull me back seven decades, into one of the earliest moments of my becoming.

For some reason I find myself, at age 77, pondering such moments – not simply random memories from childhood but, as I say, moments of my becoming: openings of awareness that were entirely unexpected and utterly personal and thus, oh so quietly secret. This is me?

I think my sudden fascination with such moments shimmers beyond me. I am continually confronted with the abstract statistics of war dead – in particular, the murder of children, each of whom was in the process of becoming himself or herself until they became the tactical victims of a geopolitical game about which they knew nothing.

“Red Rover, Red Rover . . .”

80 days on the genocide in numbers (a world record in conflict) and just
five victim stories so that you see we are not mere numbers  and five
inspirung stories. In 80 days!
1,745 massacres
>28,000 martyrs and missing persons. (1.2% of Gazan population)
20,674 martyrs who arrived in hospitals (issued death certificates).
8,500 child martyrs and 6,300 female martyrs.
54,536 injured (2.4% of Gaza population) most can't be treated
311 martyrs of medical staff; 40 Civil Defense first responders. 103
martyred journalists,
Over 5000 kidnapped by Israel: including101 health-care workers, 9
journalists, over 40 professors.
Essentially all 2.3 million people in the Gaza Strip displaced from their
homes and being starved
475,000 infected with infectious diseases as a result of displacement and
lack of clean water/sanitation
58,000 Tonnes of high explosives used (equivalent to two nuclear bombs)
65,000 housing units were completely destroyed by the occupation.
26 government headquarters destroyed by the occupation.
92 schools and universities were completely destroyed by the occupation.


Every Secret Isn’t a Secret 

Richardson hadn’t interviewed one person who knew who Smooth really was in life. To the men he was just a “cool brother man” and to the women he showed Smooth’s picture too, he was “That’s that fine Smooth baby.” They all said they didn’t know he was the judge’s son until they read it in the Call & Post newspaper and saw his picture and his face on the local news stations.

The last lead Richardson had was from the bartender at the Colony Club on Long Street. She said that she had seen Smooth on the day of his death and that Smooth called a cab about one-thirty pm to pick him up at two pm. She knew this because he asked her to use the bar's phone to call it for him, so he didn’t have to pay a dime in the phone booth. She didn’t know where the cab was taking Smooth because he said he would tell them when they picked him up. She also remembered that Smooth had eaten lunch with a sister named Sheila that day around noon but that she was gone before the cab picked Smooth up at the bar. She said they often had lunch together there, at least once a week. 

In a 2002 interview the former Israeli government minister Shulamit Aloni was asked by Amy Goodman: “Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called antisemitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?” Shulamit Aloni replied “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country [the US] people are criticizing Israel, then they are antisemitic.” She added that there is an “Israel, my country right or wrong” attitude and “they’re not ready to hear criticism.” Antisemitism, the Holocaust and “the suffering of the Jewish people” are exploited to “justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”


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