
PLEASE READ THIS (critical new reports, urgent action needed)

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) global partnership 21
December report on: .."the entire population in the Gaza Strip (about 2.2
million people) is classified in IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse).
This is the highest share of people facing high levels of acute food
insecurity that the IPC initiative has ever classified for any given area
or country.... at least one in four households (more than half a million
people) is facing catastrophic conditions - IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe).
These are characterized by households experiencing an extreme lack of food,
starvation and exhaustion of coping capacities."

We meet again tonight in about one hour (7 PM Palestine time Sunday) to
talk about Gaza genocide. Email if you want a link

While Palestinian church leaders wrote good position papers on Gaza (thank
you) and we circulated those before, 500 people signed signed a petition
over just a few hours today demanding boycott of those church leaders who
met with the Israeli genocidal regime president  (a president who said
there are no civilians in the Gaza strip and we act accordingly), whose
father participated in the ethnic cleansing in 1948, and who want another
Nakba. The petition is in Arabic (you can use google translate) and is open
to people who live in our region and Palestinians/Arabs (especially
Christians) who live in exile. Please sign and pass along this link:
وقع 500 شخص على عريضة تطالب بمقاطعة قادة الكنيسة الذين التقوا برئيس نظام
الإبادة الجماعية الإسرائيلي (الرئيس الذي قال إنه لا يوجد مدنيون في قطاع
غزة)، والذي شارك والده في التطهير العرقي عام 1948، والذين يريد نكبة أخرى.
العريضة باللغة العربية ومفتوحة للأشخاص الذين يعيشون في منطقتنا والفلسطينيين

Horseback riders in the woods

With fracking, and proposed CCS and Carbon Capture Use and Storage projects, Ohio is becoming a sacrifice zone for the fossil fuel industry.

As we close out 2023, many Ohioans are still unaware of the negative effects fracking under our state parks and public lands will have on our health, the
environment and the planet from the oil and gas industry's greenhouse and methane gas emissions, as well as toxic fracking wastewater.

Science tells us that fresh water purity and supply; air quality; destruction of plant, animal and insect habitats; as well as increased
illness for people who live near parks and public lands to be fracked are likely.

Attached are two Save Ohio Parks documents.  One offers examples of comments and one with more information. 

Details about event

Saturday, December 23 - 8pm
Ace of Cups, 2619 N. High St. Columbus OH 43202

Ace of Cups is hosting a benefit show to raise funding for Columbus based mutual aid groups.
MASS Ohio (Mutual Aid Street Solidarity) and Heer To Serve

These organizations help provide harm reduction supplies to the community as well as resources to those experiencing houselessness.

The show will feature local friends in
The Mer-tini's
Adios Beaches
Forever Strange

$10 suggested donation/pay what you can
All ages

We will provide direct links to donate to these organizations, their wishlists, and will have a spot to donate supplies.

The supplies they are most in need of are
Winter gear (especially socks)
Rain gear
Hand warmers
Propane tanks

Volunteers from Heer To Serve will be on site to offer extra information on how to further help and get involved.

Immigrants camping out

The Senate and the White House are narrowing in on a bad deal that could codify Trump-era policies: Mass deportations, family detention, and family separation. That’s in addition to removing crucial transparency and congressional oversight of billion-dollar weapons sales. 

Distressingly, the Senate could vote on this deal as soon as this week. These extremist anti-immigrant demands are straight out of Trump and Stephen Miller’s playbook — a laundry list of hateful policies we spent YEARS fighting against.  

Send your message here

For several years now the winter solstice event at Serpent Mound, where candles or luminaries were placed so to outline the Native American effigy mound, has been canceled and this year will be no different.

Serpent Mound is within a privte park in Peebles, Ohio, but under control of the Ohio History Connection (OHC), and it was the OHC which made the decision in 2017 to end the event at the suggestion of Native Americans. Most notably the Shawnee, who claim ancestral stewardship of the effigy mound, which is the largest on the planet. Fascinating is how one of the Serpent’s coils aligns with the winter solstice sunrise while its head aligns with the summer solstice sunset.

When Zionist militias, using advanced Western arms, conquered historic Palestine in 1947-48, they expressed their victory through the deliberate humiliation of Palestinians.   

 Much of that humiliation targeted women, in particular, knowing how the dishonor of Palestinian females represents, according to Arab culture, a sense of dishonor to the whole community.

 This strategy remains in use to this day. 


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