
Bob Fitrakis phones in to the Q&A segment of a Washington Press Club news conference, Nov. 5, 2012, to report on filing an election protection suit challenging last minute 'experimental patches' installed at the last minute on some of Ohio's electronic voting machines. Senior Editor Harvey Wasserman, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, Communication Director Sarah Manski, election fraud whistleblower Clint Curtis, and Lori Grace, founder of the Grace Institute for Democracy and Election Integrity, lay out the risks of a 2012 stolen election and what is being done to keep it from happening.


At a Washington Press Club news conference, Nov. 5, 2012, Senior Editor Harvey Wasserman, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, Communication Director Sarah Manski, election fraud whistleblower Clint Curtis, and Lori Grace, founder of the Grace Institute for Democracy and Election Integrity, lay out the risks of a 2012 stolen election and what is being done to keep it from happening.


Bob Fitrakis returned from state Common Pleas Court, reporting that Judge Serrott ruled against him regarding his request for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to remove the uncertified, untested software from some Ohio voting machines. However, the judge left open the possibility that the case could be heard after the election, if there is evidence of election tampering. The judge declined to interfere in an on-going election, but indicated that he would consider taking action as the case continues after the election if it was needed. So, in conclusion, in both the federal and state cases, expert witness Michael Duniho who worked for the National Security Agency (NSA) spelled out in great detail the threat to Ohio’s voting system by the secret, uncertified, and untested software.
MUST READING! Read Michael Duniho affidavit here:
NSA expert Michael Duniho affidavit
Cincinnati TV news report-
A forecasting model that does not utilize a Sensitivity Analysis of alternative forecast assumptions is incomplete. This analysis of 10 battleground states is based on various voter turnout and vote share scenarios.
The states are: CO FL IA NC NH NV OH PA VA WI
In 2008, Obama won the recorded vote by 52.9%-45.6%. He won the unadjusted state exit poll weighted aggregate by 58-40.5% The True Vote Model indicated that he won by 58.0-40.3%

In the 10 states, Obama’s…
Average 2008 recorded share: 53.3%
Average 2008 exit poll: 57.8%

2012 True Vote Model: 54.9%
2012 Poll-based projected share: 51.6%

The following assumptions apply to all 10 states:
1. The number of returning voters is based on the 2008 state exit poll.
2. There is 5% voter mortality (1.25%/year)
3. Turnout: 95% of Obama 2008 voters; 97% of McCain voters.
4. Obama wins 92% of returning Obama voters and 5% of McCain.
5. Romney wins 95% of returning McCain voters and 8% of Obama.

Given the above, there are two sets of sensitivity tables.
Bob Fitrakis at Driving Park polling site where there were many voters forced to vote provisionally. Their registrations were valid, but they were not on the voter list at the polling site.

Election Watch Update # 2
Bob Fitrakis reports on the Ohio election state-of-play at 1pm on election day.
YouTube Link

SWING STATE: Investigating the Vote in Ohio

BREAKING NEWS: Judge Frost denied the Temporary Restraining Order brought forth in Ohio's federal court to stop the software patches from being used on voting machines in Ohio. Plaintiff Bob Fitrakis and attorneys are now in state Common Pleas Court for 2:00pm hearing on same issue -- the untested, uncertified "experimental" software placed as a pilot program on voting machines.

A Democratic county poll worker has estimated that over the course of Election Day, one thousand registered voters will be forced to vote provisionally in a single predominantly African American precinct in Franklin County. Discrepancies between voter ID and information in the official database, possibly caused by the June changes to BMV registration software, may have disenfranchised up to three-fourths of the 35th ward's voters.

This is a staggering number of provisional ballots. So far at other polling sites, there are provisional ballots numbers of 21 or less.

“There were two and half times as many people on the provisional ballot line as on the lines to for regular voting,” said a Free Press Election Protection observer about the Driving Park polling place in south central Columbus.

The Free Press is receiving multiple reports of ES&S optical scan machines in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland). One specific polling site where this is happening is the University Heights Library.
Also, at the Driving Park polling site in Columbus' inner city, many voters' names are not showing up on the voting list and they are being forced to vote provisionally. The lines for provisional voters are longer than the ones for regular voting.


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