
Citizen concerns about untested software have multiplied since the Columbus Free Press broke the news that Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted's office installed uncertified and untested software on the central vote tabulation machines in up to 39 counties in the state.

Memos circulated amongst senior staff at the Ohio Secretary of States' indicate that they consider this skirting of Ohio Election Law is justified because the software does not directly tabulate or communicate actual votes. Their statements to the mainstream press reveal a different set of facts about the software and a different justification.

In Columbus, Ohio, 9:00am Election Day marks the opening of a federal adjudication that could decide who next occupies the White House.

Heard by Judge Gregory Frost, the case is Robert Fitrakis vs. John Husted and Election Systems & Software. It revolves around an "experimental" software patch newly attached to the electronic voting systems in 39 Ohio counties. The patch is ostensibly meant to facilitate the transmission and analysis of the Ohio vote count as conducted on machines supplied by the E.S. & S. company.

Investigative reporter Harvey Wasserman lays out the ways in which the upcoming U.S. presidental could be stolen and what we can do about it. YouTube Link:

WHAT IS TO BE DONE? - Wasserman Pt. 2

Investigative reporter and election protection activist Harvey Wasserman talks about how to repair our hackable election system.

YouTube Link: YouTube

Viewer Embed Code: [past into your web page so people can view it directly there]

SWING STATE: Investigating the Vote in Ohio

This is a proposal for production of an investigative video report on the Romney campaign's links to electronic vote counting in Hamilton County - a key county in the swing state of Ohio.

There's mounting fall-out from reports, first broken by The Free Press, that a Mitt Romney-linked company owns the Hart Intercivic voting machines used in key counties in Colorado, Ohio and other states. The stories have stoked new fears about a "stolen" election.

UPDATE: Those worries about a rigged election were given new urgency today as The Ohio-based Free Press editor-in-chief Robert Fitrakis, also a Green Party candidate for Congress, announced plans to file a lawsuit later today seeking an immediate injunction against Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted and the ES&S manufacturer to halt the use of secretly installed, unauthorized "experimental" software in 39 counties' tabulators in an alleged violation of state election law. His attorney, Cliff Arnebeck, has also referred the case to the Cincinnati FBI for a criminal investigation. Arnebeck says, "It's a flagrant violation of the law. Before you add new software, you need approval of a state board. They are installing an uncertified, suspect software patch that interfaces between a county's vote tabulation equipment and state tabulators."

The Ohio Secretary of State's office may be incorrectly removing thousands of legally registered voters from the voting rolls. The Columbus Free Press has obtained suspect election-related software contracts signed by the Ohio Secretary of State's office. These newly uncovered contracts, signed with Election Systems and Solutions (ES&S) and Triad Governmental Services, may be involved with Ohio Secretary of State John Husted's office erroneously, undetectably and possibly illegally removing thousands of registered voters from the voting rolls just prior to the presidential election.

Investigative reporter Bob Fitrakis tells what he and the team have found about Romney's links to the electronic voting machine company that will be counting and tabulating votes in Hamilton County, a key swing county and swing state Ohio.

YouTube Link on the EON Channel:

SWING STATE: Investigating the Vote in Ohio

Direct link to the Indiegogo page:
Indiegogo Swing State
This is a proposal for production of an investigative video report on the Romney campaign's links to electronic vote counting in Hamilton County - a key county in the swing state of Ohio.
In the following two videos Harvey Wasserman discusses election protection issues with the Ecological Options Network.

"Busting Election Theft Attempts," first portion of the discussion with Harvey Wasserman

Investigative reporter Harvey Wasserman lays out the ways in which the upcoming U.S. presidental could be stolen and what we can do about it.

"What is to be done?," second portion of the discussion with Harvey Wasserman

Investigative reporter and election protection activist Harvey Wasserman talks about how to repair our hackable election system.

In next week’s presidential elections women could, in effect, lose ownership of their bodies if the Romney-Ryan ticket, with its hard right stance wins. Even if Romney loses it will be a sad day for women in some quarters if candidates such as Akin and Mourdock, with their frightening, absurdist and fundamentalist leanings, are successful.

These candidates also may have an advantage that has not been publicized widely enough. Our elections are controlled by an international, privatized electronic voting industry, making it hard to know who actually owns the voting machines we use. Based on my research on rigged elections, I believe there is a deliberate effort to obscure some ownership issues. Records show that Unisyn, owned by a Malaysian gambling company, Scytl, ES&S, Dominion, Sequoia and Hart InterCivic are major players. There have been allegations that Tagg, Ann and Mitt Romney own Hart InterCivic, whose machines will be used in parts of Ohio and in Colorado (both swing states), and other states too.

Suddenly we all know Sandy, the superstorm that whacked New York City, left 55 people dead across the East Coast — and about that many in Haiti as well — knocked out power to millions and caused some $20 billion worth of property damage.

What I find fascinating is that the storm has a name.

Sandy failed to bring climate change into the presidential election season — though the warmer waters of the Atlantic and rising sea levels, resulting from human activity, aggravated the storm’s intensity — but “she” claimed quasi-celebrity status as a killer mega-storm, thus manifesting a deeply pre-scientific human need to personalize nature, indeed, to be one with nature, as so many indigenous people still are.

The naming of tropical storms may seem trivial, but I’m thinking maybe it’s anything but. Climate change denial rests on the assumption that nature is inert and the planet on which we have evolved is a dead rock. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what we do to it.


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