
In September 2012, copies of a "resistance manual" and flyers promoting "a joyous class war" and sabotage within the prison appeared within Mansfield Correctional Institution (ManCI). According to a conduct report filed against alleged leaders, these materials "instruct inmates to bring the prison system to the brink" by engaging in a wide range of activities. The flyers were distributed by a group calling themselves the Army of the Twelve Monkeys, a reference to a 1990's science fiction film.

The flyers promote three types of activities. First, wasting resources: "run electrical appliance and flush sink water all day" and "demand all food, clothes and medical/dental you are entitled to". Second, damaging prison property: "break machines in the kitchen and OPI... pour salt water in staff computers... cut phone and computer lines... put gum, paperclips, and staples in door locks". Third, broader organizing calls: "gang members to unite against our common enemy" and "steal, sabotage, organize, strike, resist".

Remarks at the Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center on November 10, 2012: Thank you to Sergio for inviting me and helping set up this little trip I'm on. Before I forget, tomorrow is Armistice Day, so we'll be celebrating by dying in front of Senator Feinstein's house at 10 a.m. at Vallejo & Lyon Streets before walking across the Golden Gate Bridge. Please come. And at 1:30 Medea Benjamin and Cindy Sheehan and I will be speaking on the question of whether U.S. wars are legal at the main public library in San Francisco. We can talk about that question today, if you want, but I won't make it the main focus of my opening remarks.

The goal of this book is to show the average voter that we have not been told the truth about our elections. As one who has spent a lifetime building computer models in engineering, corporate finance and investment analysis, I am not alone in claiming that our electoral system is broken. But this is not a book about politics. It is about rational and faith-based thinking.

A thorough analysis of the 1988-2008 state and national unadjusted exit polls has revealed startling results which prove systemic election fraud beyond any doubt. The one-sided pattern of “red shift” discrepancies to the recorded vote is mathematically impossible. Informing the average voter of this information is a major focus of this book.

I saw the article that made it to I used to think that the electoral college should be abolished as well. After having served as an election judge in Minnesota through several cycles, I see one major drawback to using the direct popular vote. In a really close election, does anyone want to consider what a nationwide recount would look like? Seriously, I think that is a huge and real potential problem.

Instead, I would like to see the electors to come out of each congressional district. That would limit the scope of recounts and make them manageable. So, what to do with the other two electors per state? Well, the states could decide to award them based on popular vote in the state. That would seem best. Of course in a state like North Dakota, it would essentially still be winner-take-all, but that is a natural outcome of only having one congressional district.

Was the "fix" in on Election Day in Ohio? The questions surrounding Election Day activities in Ohio and Karl Rove’s now-infamous meltdown on Fox TV election night are causing a buzz in the election integrity movement.

Of course we do not know for sure what happened in Ohio – but we do know the circumstances were eerily similar to election tampering techniques the Free Press discovered after the 2004 election.

One major similarity was Rove's insistence to his colleagues on Fox News that the media consortium’s exit polls were wrong in Ohio. This is the same claim he made in 2004 concerning Ohio and 2000 in Florida.

On Tuesday, voters across America overwhelmingly rejected politicians' attacks on women's health. Today, politicians in the Ohio Statehouse have nevertheless continued those attacks.

The Ohio House Health Committee has scheduled a VOTE for the bill to defund Planned Parenthood health centers in Ohio on Wednesday, November 14.

Politicians in the Ohio Senate have also signaled an intent to move the "heartbeat" abortion ban bill, even after making statements that there would not be controversial legislation moved during the end of the legislative calendar.

Governor Kasich has appointed Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonadakis to the Ohio State Medical Board - a position for which he is unqualified beyond directing attacks on women's health care.

Your action is urgently needed to tell legislators that these attacks are completely unacceptable. Women have the right to make their own health care decisions and they need access to their own doctor in their own community. Please email the Representatives and Senators who will be deciding the fate of these attacks in the coming days:

Legalization of pot (in Colorado and Washington state), a big hurray for gay marriage (in Maine, Maryland, Washington), lots of progressive women in the Senate and resounding defeat for the champions of “legitimate rape” (Akin, Mourdock) — oh my! Election Day 2012 went better than I thought it would.

And Barack Obama, the designated Lesser Evil, clobbered Mitt Romney in the swing states, despite Republican efforts to keep likely Democrats from voting there. I went to bed last night feeling an irrational joy, an enormous inner cry of relief, that the neocons and right-wing crazies were held at bay for four more years.

Now what?

In the dawn’s early light, the joy is ebbing. Last night’s victory high is wearing off, especially as I read the banal analyses and balanced blather in the mainstream media and realize that all the crucial issues that were off the table during the election season — drone assassination, the military budget, climate change, corporate hegemony, GOP vote suppression tactics — are still off the table. Not that I’m surprised or anything, but it reminds me that the presidential election is mostly spectacle.

Keep the Greens off the ballot/ Ban the poor from the polls/ Fill the media with lies/ Pack the internet with trolls/ Shake a big nasty stick/ Wear religion on your sleeve/ Pick and choose the science/ You prefer to believe/ Buy a shiny flag pin/ Tack it to your suit/ Take alot of money/ From bastards who pollute/ Demonize the unions/ Like teachers and police/ Energize the bigots/ And claim that war is peace/ Give them games to game them/ Give them dollar DVDs/ So no one sees the forest/ As they're chopping down the trees/ If you want to get elected/ Then you gotta pay to play/ Because this is not democracy/ This is the USA.

A mass grassroots election protection movement has been born. It's finally forced the issues of mass disenfranchisement and hackable electronic voting machines into the mainstream.

And it's emerged from this election with a must-do list of things that need to be accomplished---soon---if we are to retain any shreds of American democracy.

Meanwhile the flaws in our system allowed the theft of the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004, and threatened to do it again this year. They've allowed the theft of countless other races for Congress, governorships, state offices, judgeships, referenda and more.

This cuts to the core of our democracy process. But as we've seen so many times before, we can change all this.

• Money out of politics: Corporations are not people, money is not speech. We cannot afford a system of "one dollar, one vote." Citizens United must be overturned and workable limits placed on campaign spending. This will require a Constitutional amendment. Move to Amend ( is working on it, and needs our support.

Voter Supression In Center City Allentown: I visited over 15 polling centers in my hometown to see the effects of the Voter-ID laws, which weren't supposed to be in effect until after the election. I filmed many interviews, and even one nasty verbal exchange between a poll worker & and would be Latina voter. My hometowns' media decided ONLY to cover surburbia, and neglected the disenfranchised demographic(i.e. Blacks, Hispanics, Poor, and Elderly). I've put together a list of videos on youtube to better articulate the situation at hand, and bring more awareness to prevent future alienation . "We Are All In this together"-Michelle Obama.. Thank you for your help and concern.

Disenfranchised Latina Voter Denied Right To Vote By Nasty Election Worker 11/6/12 @B'nai B'rith

Obama Wins/ Supporter Responds Latina's Voter ID @B'Nai B'Rith FAIL 11/6/12 (Obama Wins Re election)


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