
I saw your article dated 1/3/11 ( Ohio State's medical industrial complex under fire for unnecessary surgeries). I am here to tell you that the problem you so well described is actually much worse.

First, I want you to know that Gerard Nuovo, MD has personally helped me with several medical issues over the years. Thus, it is from direct experience that I can tell you he is an excellent MD who goes the extra mile for all of his patients. His knowledge of medicine in general is profound, and this certainly applies to his specialty, Gynecologic Pathology.

On Friday on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, congress members spoke in defense of Medicare, Social Security, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other programs that by almost anyone's definition are socialist, programs that were denounced as socialist by opponents of their passage in decades past, programs that would not have been created without the efforts of socialists and the Socialist Party.

The debate screeched to a halt, however, because an opponent of the Congressional Progressive Caucus's "People's Budget" then under discussion suggested that its supporters might be socialists. Congressman Keith Ellison, co-chair of that caucus, protested the vicious accusation and demanded that the words of his accuser be transcribed for the record (and possible legal action?). The Republican congress member guilty of the horrible slander announced that he was retracting it. Rep. Raul Grijalva, the other co-chair of the Progressive Caucus, thanked him sincerely for the retraction. Although polls show socialism to be far more popular than Congress, neither Ellison nor Grijalva insisted on being cleared of the label "congress member."

I am writing about my personal life saving experience. I am not in Ohio but live in NY. I met Dr. Nuovo when I was diagnosed with cancer in my uterus. I was shocked, heartbroken and scared. I am a 53 year old women, fit and in great health, how could this have happened to me? My Gyn scheduled me for a full hysterectomy. I asked Dr. Nuovo to review my slide at the advice of a friend.
I am writing about my personal life saving experience. I am not in Ohio but live in NY. I met Dr. Nuovo when I was diagnosed with cancer in my uterus. I was shocked, heartbroken and scared. I am a 53 year old women, fit and in great health, how could this have happened to me? My Gyn scheduled me for a full hysterectomy. I asked Dr. Nuovo to review my slide at the advice of a friend. I didn’t know slides could be signed out and sent for a second opinion. I did know to get a second opinion but I would have taken the slide results to another gyn. Big mistake! I was lucky to find out the pathologist was incorrect! Dr. Nuovo’s care, precision and expertise in reviewing my slide brought me a miracle. He called me at 9:30 am the next morning to tell me my polyp was benign. I cancelled the surgery and have enjoyed every day of my life from that moment on. It is 2011!!! Why is this happening in Ohio and probably everywhere? Why do women not know that the Pathologist if not experienced in Gyn pathology CAN and DO make critical mistakes? How can Dr. Nuovo be barred from reviewing biopsies at OSUMC? Is it that he is honest?
Dr. Larry C. James, who worked as Chief Psychologist at the U.S. Naval Station at Guantánamo Bay, is one of those psychologists. In this role, Dr. James oversaw abusive interrogations and designed programs to exploit the psychological weaknesses of detainees. During his tenure at the detention center, boys and men were systematically abused. Techniques included threats of rape and death; forced nudity; sleep deprivation; extreme isolation; short-shackling into stress positions; and physical assault.

Norman Solomon -- the North Bay political activist who has been a leader of the region’s Green New Deal commission and the national Healthcare Not Warfare campaign -- announced on Wednesday (April 13) that he has filed with the Federal Election Commission to run for Congress. He said that his name will be on the June 2012 ballot if Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey decides not to seek re-election.

“After so many years of progressive leadership from Lynn Woolsey, her successor in the House should have a proven commitment to a wide range of progressive values,” Solomon said. “Whether the issue is war in Afghanistan, massive giveaways to Wall Street, chronic deference to corporate power or Washington’s failure to take drastic action against climate change, the North Bay should be represented in Congress by someone with extensive knowledge and a track record of strong public advocacy on key local, national and international issues.”

Join us to honor local community activists!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio, 67 Innis Ave., Columbus (south of German Village, east off of High Street)
$15 individual
$25 couple
$10 low income
(Pay at the door only)
2011 Free Press “Libby” Award for Community Activism: Robb Ebright, WCRS Community Radio
2011 Free Press Award for Arts Activism: Tom Harker, Ukulele Man
2011 Bill Moss Award for an Outstanding Achievement by an African American Activist: James Whitaker and Kennedy Kent
2011 Native American Indian Center Selma Walker Award for Lifetime Achievement in Human Rights Activism: Holly Herschede
2011 Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio Eugene V. Debs Award for Labor Activism: Samantha Trublood
2011 Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio Norman Thomas/Michael Harrington Award for Peace and Social Justice Activism: Reverend Joel L. King, Jr.
On April 7th, I joined 4000 other pro-choice activists for the 2011 Stand Up for Women’s Health rally in Washington, D.C. Organized by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-choice America and a myriad of partners, the importance of the rally is likely quite clear to Free Press readers. The existence of a strategic legislative assault against the reproductive rights of female-bodied Americans can hardly be denied, as we in Ohio watch with apprehension as local Republicans debate our civil liberties in the guise of protecting human life. We watch as Republicans parade the “testimony” of fetuses before an elected body while the women carrying those fetuses remain silent on the stand. We watch, and many of us have decided to act. 200 pro-choice activists from across the state of Ohio filled three buses chartered by Planned Parenthood and drove through the night to reach Capitol Hill in time to lobby for reproductive rights and participate in the day’s main event, a rally on the Capitol lawn.

Several events over the past week proved that all elements of the central Ohio community are joining together to advocate against SB5. On Monday, the King Arts Complex hosted a Jobs with Justice event to address the attacks on public workers and to commemorate the date Dr. King was assassinated. Tuesday April 5 found another Statehouse rally to call attention to the un-family friendly legislation by the Republican legislatore. On April 9 at the Ohio Statehouse, people representing a variety of labor unions and public workplaces gathered by the thousands to call for a referendum against SB5.


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