
An obscure clause that was slipped into Ohio's infamous anti-union Senate Bill 5 may spell the end of collective bargaining for the state's public college teachers.
SB-5 was passed in the face of bitter controversy and mass public demonstrations at the state capitol in Columbus. It was signed into law Thursday, March 31, by Ohio's new extreme right-wing Governor John Kasich.

But little attention has been paid to the following clause on page 272, which reads:

“With respect to members of a faculty of a state institution of higher education, any faculty who, individually or through a faculty senate or like organization, participate in the governance of the institution, are involved in personnel decisions, selection or review of administrators, planning and use of physical resources, budget preparation, and determination of educational policies related to admissions, curriculum, subject matter, and methods of instruction and research are management level employees.”

Photograph by Bob Studzinski

On the same day that Ohio Governor Kasich signed the vicious anti-labor bill, SB 5, Ohio’s labor movement announced the formation of a huge coalition to put that legislation on the ballot in November, and defeat it! While Kasich was preparing to sign SB 5, a massive crowd of angry workers took over the legislative rooms, shutting those chambers down for business. For over an hour, chants of “Kill the Bill,” “This is what Democracy looks like,” & “Kasich—Get Out” echoed thru the legislative chambers.

Signing of the bill, if anything, has increased the anger and militancy of unionists in the state. Instead of pessimism, labor and allies were holding mass meeting across the state, calling for the bill’s defeat. A rousing town hall meeting at the IBEW hall, legislators and labor called for a fightback against SB 5.

Since the Fukushima accident we have seen a stream of experts on radiation telling us not to worry, that the doses are too low, that the accident is nothing like Chernobyl and so forth. They appear on television and we read their articles in the newspapers and online. Fortunately the majority of the public don’t believe them. I myself have appeared on television and radio with these people; one example was Ian Fells of the University of Newcastle who, after telling us all on BBC News that the accident was nothing like Chernobyl (wrong), and the radiation levels of no consequence (wrong), that the main problem was that there was no electricity and that the lifts didn’t work. ” If you have been in a situation when the lifts don’t work, as I have” he burbled on, “you will know what I mean.” You can see this interview on youtube and decide for yourself.

As the Tomahawk missiles, our million dollar babies, rained down on Gadaffi’s army and who knows what else these past couple weeks, I couldn’t help but feel the clenched American fist protruding over global events again.

Yeah, we’re back, world. How tragic that bellicose Republicans, in their indiscriminate hatred of Obama, have had to excuse themselves from the celebration, but still, Libya ain’t Egypt, and America is in its groove again, unwavering in its commitment to freedom. No hedged bets, no sir, not this time, not when freedom’s prelude is bombs, invasion and war.

Photos by Bob Studzinski
Jim Gilbert, President of the Fraternal Order of Police, Capital City Lodge 9, claims that the Republican Party's passing of Senate Bill 5 "has woken a sleeping giant." By a vote of 53-44, the Republican-dominated Ohio Assembly passed Senate Bill 5 on Wednesday, March 30 –- to drastically limit collective bargaining for 360,000 public union workers. The new law requires that no salary increases can be based on seniority, only on performance.

The Senate approved the final version by one vote – 17 to 16. Republican representative Louis Blessing told workers "Be glad you have a job."

Governor John Kasich signed the bill into law Thursday March 31. His press release stated "There is a reason that the union bosses opposed these changes; because it strips power from the union leaders and returns it to the taxpayers and workers."

A better case can be made that Kasich has long plotted with wealthy corporate backers to destroy the base of the modern Democratic Party – the unions.

Tell GE: Pay your taxes.
Clicking here will add your name to this petition to Jeffrey R. Immelt, Chairman and CEO of General Electric:

"As an American taxpayer, I am outraged that General Electric would shirk its responsibility to pay income tax on the massive profits it makes in the United States. I pay my taxes and so should you."

If you want to know why we're facing vicious budget cuts across the country, look no further than General Electric, America's largest corporation.

According to a shocking exposé just published by the New York Times, GE made over $26 billion in profit in the United States during the last five years, but paid nothing in federal income tax. Zero. In fact, it claimed a $4.1 billion net tax benefit from the IRS during that time.1

Meanwhile, lack of revenue is causing brutal cutbacks of vital services at all levels of government.

We shouldn't be firing teachers and taking health care away from children because GE is shirking on its responsibility to pay income tax.

The situation is very fluid, shifting daily, but House Republicans had the votes to pass the vicious anti-worker bill SB 5 today. Organized labor, meanwhile, has built a massive coalition of community, religious, academic, retiree and allied groups to oppose the legislation and has already announced its intention to immediately mount a campaign to put the bill on the November ballot as a referendum.

While we won’t really know the total damage that SB 5 will do until we can see the entire bill, with amendments, we do know that it is a massive corporate attack on the right of public workers to bargain collectively. Among other things, SB 5 would;

• End the right of public workers to bargain collectively over most issues, including health care, safety and pensions.
• Outlaws strikes by public workers.
• Imposes “merit pay” on public workers, meaning bosses can pay those they choose more, while paying others that don’t “suck up” less!
• Sets up a “right to work” (for less) situation for public workers in Ohio, ending closed shops, and thus, the power of workers to bargain effectively.
I just read "Green Party: The US must honor Libyan rebels’ call for no military attacks" at the Green Party Watch blog at Blog and am compelled to take serious issue with its basic assumptions as stated therein.

Although I consider myself a Green, support the party's platform and stated values and, more immediately, support the conclusion of this piece - that the US has no business invading or bombing Libya - the article's parroting of the official line that "Gadaffi is a killer and has been bombing his own people" is way off-base, factually speaking.

President Obama on Monday said he would "never hesitate" to use the U.S. military "unilaterally" to defend "interests" and "values," including "maintaining the flow of commerce." Fear of exactly that led the founders of this republic to give Congress the exclusive power to declare war. James Madison did not believe any single individual could be trusted with such power:

"The strongest passions and most dangerous weaknesses of the human breast, ambition, avarice, vanity, the honorable or venal love of fame, are all in conspiracy against the desire and duty of peace."

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Dancing bare-foot while singing Buddhist prayers may seem like an idyllic job, but for Bangkok's shimmering temple dancers it includes incense-choked lungs, dieting, and rare toilet breaks before the music stops on their 40th birthday.

"I feel happy to dance here because I love to dance," Wanpen Mapradit said in Thai during an interview at the glittering Erawan Shrine.

"But even though the salary is good, I would not recommend this job.

"We work every other day, either 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., or 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. The incense smoke from the shrine is strong, and my feet often hurt, but I am used to it, because this is my career.

"I earn 19 baht for each dance. The dance is not longer than three minutes. But my salary depends upon how many dances I do. I average about 1,000 baht a day," Wanpen said.

A woman at a nearby desk issues receipts to devotees who pay for each dance.

Fees are listed on a plastic sign attached to a wall.


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