
It's a simple point, but an important one, and one that gets overlooked. Whether or not you think a particular war is moral and good, the fact remains that war is illegal. Actual defense by a country when attacked is legal, but that only occurs once another country has actually attacked, and it must not be used as a loophole to excuse wider war that is not employed in actual defense.

Needless to say, a strong moral argument can be made for preferring the rule of law to the law of rulers. If those in power can do anything they like, most of us will not like what they do. Some laws are so unjust that when they are imposed on ordinary people, they should be violated. But allowing those in charge of a government to engage in massive violence and killing in defiance of the law is to sanction all lesser abuses as well, since no greater abuse is imaginable. It's understandable that proponents of war would rather ignore or "re-interpret" the law than properly change the law through the legislative process, but it is not morally defensible.

Last Tuesday, 3/8, was touted as Gov. Kasich’s State of the State address, compete was huge speakers outside the statehouse to broadcast his speech to a huge expected crowd.
This day, however, belonged to the workers!

The walls of the statehouse literally shook, as thousands of workers, in hard hats & gear, marched to the capital grounds following a delegation of bagpipes and drums. They were there protesting the attempt by Gov. Kasich and Republicans to take bargaining rights aways from public workers in Ohio. Chants of “Kill the Bill,” & “We Are What Democracy Looks Like,” swept the crowd. Union flags and banners, many dating from the founding of the locals, spotted the entire march.

Diana Jackson, who formerly worked for the soon to be privatized Ohio Development Commission, said that she had “no idea how strong we are, together.”

“I just cannot believe that the people of Ohio will sit ultimately let this happen. We’ve worked too long and too hard to develop decent living standards for our people. This guy just wants to give it all away to billionaires!”

Phone Banks in Columbus are running, 11-7 weekdays, 11-4 weekends, at the Ohio AFL-CIO, 395 E Broad, to talk to folks on why we need to protect worker’s bargaining rights in Ohio.
Parking in rear in designated spots. Entrance in rear, hit #1, state you’re there to volunteer.
Some websites are carrying a daily update on all activities in the fight against SB 5.
The websites are:
Protect Ohio Families>
One Ohio Now
The rise of electronic voting, the red shift and the question of election democracy
March 19 G. Panel Session 3—Saturday 3:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.
Lori Minnite—Barnard College
Mark Crispin Miller—New York University
Robert J. Fitrakis—Columbus State Community College

Panel Abstract:
Panelists will discuss election fraud and media spin. Data will be presented on the growing trends of private hardware and software vendors controlling the election process and how this violates fundamental principles of transparency and democracy. The use of the term "conspiracy theory" will be discussed specifically looking at how the term is used to stifle legitimate factual inquiry into investigative news stories. The creation of the "myth of voter fraud" will be discussed and how that narrative functions to allow the disenfranchisement of people of color and low income voters.

Pace University
March 18-20
The Left Forum
Had the massive 8.9 Richter-scale earthquake that has just savaged Japan hit off the California coast, it could have ripped apart at least four coastal reactors and sent a lethal cloud of radiation across the entire United States.

The two huge reactors each at San Onofre and Diablo Canyon are not designed to withstand such powerful shocks. All four are extremely close to major faults.

All four reactors are located relatively low to the coast. They are vulnerable to tsunamis like those now expected to hit as many as fifty countries.

San Onofre sits between San Diego and Los Angeles. A radioactive cloud spewing from one or both reactors there would do incalculable damage to either or both urban areas before carrying over the rest of southern and central California.

Michigan governors aren't breaking entirely new ground in the ongoing U.S. collapse into fascism. Sure, they'll be able to overthrow local elected governments and install cronies and corporations to rule over Americans without the pretense of public servants mediating. But the president of the United States can already do that to the entire country. I wonder if anyone remembers these lines from Congressman Dennis Kucinich's articles of impeachment for George W. Bush:

It didn’t take long for our state-wide euphoria in Wisconsin over the football Super Bowl victory to dissipate. All it took was new Governor Scott Walker taking office. Ironically, this is the same Scott Walker, who in his previous position as Executive of Milwaukee County, oversaw a public mental health inpatient facility that had unqualified leadership, sexual abuse of women patients by a psychiatrist as well as other male patients, and let its accreditation lapse.

Senator Sherrod Brown apologized after giving a speech on the Senate floor March 4 where he stated the obvious, that Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Egyptian President Mubarak all crushed independent labor unions. No need to apologize, Senator Brown. The Republicans never do, as they endorse the policies of union busters. The only thing, Senator, you should be mildly chagrined about, is failing to point out Ohio Governor John Kasich and Wisconsin Governor Walker's similarities to Mussolini's fascism.

As Kasich takes money from the new corporate robber barons – the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch – let's quote Mussolini directly: "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." Kasich has just won his battle to privatize economic development in Ohio. Again the more accurate word would be "corporatize."


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