People sitting in a circle at a meeting

This week, people who were deported were SEEN and HEARD on Capitol Hill (pictured above), thanks to their loved ones and volunteers who blanketed the Hill with free ebook flyers and paperback copies of Broken Hope: Deportation and the Road Home. Read all about it and watch a video of our press conference here. The day was cosponsored by the Ohio Immigrant Alliance and Center for Law and Social Policy.

Dear friends (read, disseminate, and act)

It is hard to sleep these days especially in besieged bloodied
Palestine...the scenes of horrors in the Gaza Strip (and increasingly
spreading in the West Bank) are far too graphic, too disturbing. Friends of
ours are mistreated in jails of colonizers, the few released look
physically wasted (skeletons tramatized physicaly and psychologically). I
cannot take their images out of my head (e.g. Basem Tamimi from Nebi
Saleh).  Others like Issa Amro are beaten by colonial thugs. We living
under the boots of the Zionazi regime try to be active and productive as
best as possible within our capacities and "wiggle room".  The people of
the Gaza strip are in dire non-survival mode: seeing their families wiped
out, finding no medical care for injured or sick, starving and having no
drinkable water, and knowing that hundreds of millions of people around the
world are apathetic and that politicians are bought or blackmailed by the
evil doers. Is 76 years of colonization and ethnic cleansing enough? Eight

Our government is planning a big draft, conscripting millions of young Americans for an even bigger war!

I call to your attention a Democratic amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was slipped into the almost trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending bill, by voice vote, in the House Armed Services committee.

The Democratic Amendment to H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) reads:  

Section 531. Selective Service System:  Automatic Registration.  SEC. 3. (a)(1) “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.” 

This amendment is in the NDAA legislation and there is no pending amendment to strip it from the bill.  So, when the NDAA passes, as early as this week, Congress will have taken steps to make automatic conscription the law of the land.

Dan Dougan yelling at Bob through a megaphone

Listen to show archive here

Dan-o regales Dr. Bob with anecdotes about his encounters with musicians while he was owner and promoter at Stache's and Little Brothers. Their show "Everybody Knows" plays on WGRN 91.9FM every Friday night at 11pm and streams live at

Gay flags

Friday, June 14, 6-9pm, Wild Goose Creative, 188 McDowell St.

“LGBTQ+” encompasses a diverse spectrum of identities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others. Inspired by iO Tillett Wright’s TedxWomen Talk, “Fifty Shades of Gay,” our exhibition draws parallels between geographical borders and the nuances of LGBTQ+ experiences in the United States.

Just as geographical lines delineate states and shape our understanding of terrain, societal boundaries often confine and define LGBTQ+ identities. Yet, from a distance, these lines blur, and the nation united as one. “50 Shades of Gay” seeks to provide a platform for Queer artists to express their narratives, whether through exploration of identity, community, or personal journey.

Hosted by Wild Goose Creative.

Facebook Event

We ask everyone who can take the time to write the parole board and whoever else can make a difference to go to and/or https://FREELEONARDPELTIERNOW.ORG and make your power felt to release this great Indigenous hero who MUST be united with his family ASAP.

RHONDA ROFF and MYLA RESON remind us that the fabulous film “San Onofre Syndome” about a great No Nukes triumph is available through; don’t miss it!!

US REPRESENTATIVE PRAMILA JAYAPAL is introduced by MIKE HERSH to give us the inside lowdown on Universal Health Care / Medicare for all.

DR. NANCY NIPARKO, PAUL NEWMAN, HEDY TRIPP,  RAY MCCLENDON join in with the Congreswoman and her life-and-death campaign for our species’ health.

WENDI LEDERMAN reminds us of the key role played by south Florida’s Cuban community and of protecting our poll workers in the coming election.

ALEX WILLIAMS seconds the motion on Medicare for All.

MYLA RESON and ROBERT HANSEN continue the dialog.

OK, the big question: Should our country – USA! USA! – return to a place of godliness?

Suddenly the nation’s stewpot of controversy started boiling over, thanks to Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito being secretly recorded agreeing with a fake conservative at the Supreme Court Historical Society dinner last week.

The fake conservative – progressive filmmaker Lauren Windsor – managed to snag (and record) a conversation with Alito at the event, in which she lamented she could see no way a conservative Christian could make peace with liberals and their focus ought to be on “winning the moral argument.” They had to “keep fighting” and, ka-wham, “return our country to a place of godliness.”

On June 6, Spain joined South Africa’s case at the United Nations top Court, accusing Israel of genocide. 

 This move followed a decision by Madrid and two other western European capitals - Dublin and Oslo - to recognize the state of Palestine, thus breaking ranks with a long-established US-led western policy. 


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