
17 October 2015


There's a view of Syria, common even among peace activists in the United States, that holds that because the United States has been making everything worse in Syria and the entire Middle East for years,...

12 October 2015


No, it’s not really fair to blame President Obama personally for the waves of aerial bombing that took more than an hour on October 4 to...

12 October 2015

There is video and audio. It exists. The Pentagon says it's critically important. Congress has asked for it and been refused. WikiLeaks is offering $50,000 to the next brave soul willing to be punished for a good deed...

08 October 2015

Imagine the Syrian war from the point of view of ordinary Syrians from a variety of backgrounds. They are most likely to offer a different perspective and to hold entirely different expectations than most other parties involved.  

04 October 2015

The Pentagon is promising an investigation today after it was revealed that an AC-130 warplane carried out sustained fire against a...

02 October 2015

Americans may find Syria a bit confusing. David Petraeus, sainted hero, has proposed arming al Qaeda, organized devil. Vladimir Putin, reincarnated Hitler, is bombing either ISIS or al Qaeda or their friendly democratic allies...


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