
16 June 2005
The Voter Confidence Committee (VCC) of Humboldt County, California, an election reform and watchdog group, announced today it will not accept as conclusive any results from the special statewide election called for Nov. 8 by Governor...
16 June 2005
The following text is the Introduction to the 767 page: Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? Essential Documents. You can buy the book here....
10 June 2005
Voters across the country are concerned about electronic touch-screen voting machines.  At last count, citizens in almost every state have formed more than seventy non-partisan grassroots organizations to ensure that a voter-verified,...
10 June 2005
"I guess my vote don't matter anymore."

The shiv to the gut of democracy that occurred last Nov. 2 can be found in reams of data and volumes of eyewitness testimony, but first it's in those words or it's nowhere at all, and if we hear...

08 June 2005
The following article is an interview with Joshua Frank, the author of "Left Out! How Liberals Helped Elect George W. Bush." The book is an analysis of the 2004 presidential campaign. Frank's writings appear regularly on the Internet and...
08 June 2005

Did George W. Bush Steal
America’s 2004 Election?

Edited by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman
Preface by Rev. Jesse Jackson...


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