
21 April 2021

“Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.” -- Cree Indian Proverb


07 April 2021


A new report, published on 14 March, 2021 in the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences' journal Ambio, points out that humanity is hurtling towards destruction unless we have the collective wisdom to change course quickly. Here is...

09 March 2021

Fukushima Daiichi’s multiple nuclear reactor meltdowns started ten years ago. They are not over....

24 February 2021

The cornerstone of every social structure is its belief system, and those who control and benefit the most from the system have one primary job: Keep its myths and scapegoats viable.

That explains the emergence, in recent weeks,...

24 February 2021

With all the media hoopla last week about the Perseverance rover, frequently unreported was that its energy source is plutonium—considered the most lethal of all radioactive substances—and nowhere in media that NASA projected 1-in-960...

21 February 2021

or decades, The New Yorker has set a high bar for journalistic excellence.

Graced by its signature brand of droll,...


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