
21 November 2018

A week ago, I received a call from Stacey Abrams’ lead attorneys. Our investigative team had “gold,” as they put it, for litigating the election: Expert analysis proving 340,134 voters were wrongly purged by her opponent when he was...

Drawing up upside down flag in between the words Democracy in distress
06 November 2018

As sure as death & taxes, the Trump Party means to steal today’s election.

From Florida 2000 to Ohio 2004 to Wisconsin/Michigan/Pennsylvania/North Carolina/Florida 2016, we’ve seen it all before.  Here are some sure signals...

05 November 2018

Donald Trump is in power in large part because Democrats have repeatedly conceded elections they really won.   On Tuesday, that MUST change.  

Anyone deemed a close loser MUST fight.  Every tally must be contested, every denial...

31 October 2018

rump’s November 6 blitzkrieg depends on stripping our right to vote and flipping the vote count.

To hold back a potential Democrat “Blue Wave,” Trump has formed a RED WALL to disenfranchise...

27 October 2018

Editor’s Note: The 2018 midterm elections are quickly approaching. These non-presidential elections historically give voters a chance to change the country’s course. They will decide whether or not Republicans keep a...

10 October 2018

Are you ready to be a poll worker?

To stop Trump’s dictatorial rise, a real opposition party would be mobilizing Americans to vote AND to protect the right to cast verifiable ballots while making...


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