AUSTIN -- We had one of those "What was he thinking?" moments
with Gov. Rick (Goodhair) Perry the other day. The only governor we've got
decided to bring back that old bone of contention: prayer in the schools.
Nice timing, guv.
AUSTIN -- On war, and rumors of war. In 1950, the United States
got involved in a war and called it a police action. We are now involved a
police action we're calling a war. The semantic confusion is having
unfortunate effects on...
President Bush's upward spike of popularity owes a lot to his presence on television -- a medium that has not always been so kind. At times, under pressure, he has earned many comparisons to a deer in headlights. But after a wobbly...
AUSTIN --- Afghanistan is to nation-building what Afghanistan is
to war -- pretty much the last place on earth you'd choose, if you had any
choice at all. I point this out not to oppose the idea, about which I think
we have no choice,...
The Pentagon's air drops of food parcels and President Bush's plea
for American children to aid Afghan kids with dollar bills will go down in
history as two of the most cynical maneuvers of media manipulation in the
early 21st century...
And I say this as one who supported military action in the wake
of the attacks. I still think we're dealing with a crime, not a war, but it
wasn't a crime Interpol...