
15 December 2004
As the whole world watches, American democracy may be hanging by a thread in Ohio. 

Monday, December 13, saw a triple play that will live in electoral infamy.  But every new day brings still more stunning revelations -- this...
15 December 2004
15 December 2004
Gary Webb died from a gunshot wound to the head in his home in Sacramento, California. It appears to have been self-inflicted.

            Webb was a great reporter out of Indiana, whose best-known work exposed the CIA's...
10 December 2004
Opponents of a recount and revote in Ohio say the first won't change the election's outcome and the second is unwarranted.  But history demands them both. 

Lets deal with the recount first.  Various Republican minions complain...
07 December 2004

Columbus, Ohio


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