
19 December 2004
The president went to Camp Pendleton, togged up in his nice, new USMC tanker jacket with "Commander in Chief" sewn on the front. He got a gentler reception than his defense secretary received the same day a few thousand miles further east...
19 December 2004
The end of the tax year approaches, and mass mailings cram my letterbox, many of them urgently seeking write-off dollars to keep Noah's Ark afloat. In next year's calendars, affecting photographs of endangered species clamor for our...
16 December 2004
Contact U.S. Senators to challenge the electoral college and the 2004 elections. Go to:

Contact your senator.

Help us document Ohio's stolen election: be a part...
15 December 2004
As the whole world watches, American democracy may be hanging by a thread in Ohio. 

Monday, December 13, saw a triple play that will live in electoral infamy.  But every new day brings still more stunning revelations -- this...
15 December 2004


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