The reality of election fraud is discussed on Sara Schulz radio show We The People (Wisconsin) with Doctor Sheila Parks, Ed.D, who makes the case for secure hand-counted paper ballots elections.

What are we to make of the Obama-brokered deal on debt and spending? It was certainly what the Germans call eine schwere Geburt (a difficult birth); it was one of the few times I would have favored abortion.

I am reminded of a sermon that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave during the turbulent 1950s, in which he peered into the future and issued a prescient warning:

“A nation or a civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan.”

In promoting and then signing the so-called “deficit reduction” legislation, President Barack Obama has definitively confirmed that he stands in the ranks of those spiritual-death-dealing, “soft-minded” men about whom Dr. King warned so ominously.

In my view, even dyed-in-the-wool Obama supporters will now have to let the scales fall from their eyes. The new one-sided “compromise” so clearly promotes the interests of the wealthy over those of the poor that, in Biblical terms, it can readily be seen as a Goddamned deal.

Last night Madrid's city centre offered a glimpse of what Western democracies have become, as thousands of unarmed nonviolent civilians with their hands up in the air shouting "these are our weapons" and "this is a dictatorship" were beaten by police commandos in full riot gear. This event was the culmination of a month of intense mobilizations across the country by the popular movement known as the 'Indignados'. People, whom despite being ignored by the government have made their voices heard, as banking cartels, European bureaucrats, rating agencies and the country's elites continue in their frantic push to sell-off Spain's remaining public wealth, and persist in the implementation of drastic cuts to the welfare state.

There is no linear narrative capable of explaining the multifarious happenings that have gripped Syrian society in recent months. On March 23, as many as 20 peaceful protesters were killed at the hands of the Syrian regime's security forces, and many more were wounded. Since then, the violence has escalated to such a level of brutality and savagery that can only be comparable to the regime's infamous massacres in the city of Hama in 1982.

Listening to Syrian presidential advisor, Dr Buthaina Shaaban – one of the most eloquent politicians in the Arab world – one would get the impression that a self-assured reform campaign is indeed underway in Syria. Her words also suggest while some of the protesters' demands are legitimate, the crisis has been largely manufactured abroad and is being implemented at home by armed gangs bent on wrecking havoc. The aim of the protests, as often suggested by officials, is only to undermine Syria's leadership in the region and the Arab world at large.

Fair Elections Ohio is collecting the initial 1,000 signatures for the petition Friday, August 5, 2011
from 9:00 a.m. to noon
at the
Franklin County Democratic Party
340 E. Fulton Street
Columbus, OH 43215

For more information contact: Jennifer Dillard at 614.229.5286 or Email.

Here’s how the H.B. 194 will hurt Ohioans by reducing their access to voting:
Reduce by mail absentee voting to 3 weeks from 5 weeks and reduce in-person absentee voting to 2 weeks.
Ban in-person absentee voting on Sundays and Saturday afternoon
Ban in-person early voting during the last weekend before the election
Make it more difficult for the Election Boards to open extra offices in the community to make it more convenient to vote early
Stop local Election Boards from sending absentee ballot applications unsolicited to all voters
Stop local Elections Boards from paying postage on return absentee ballot requests or on the return of absentee ballots
Impose technical reasons not to count votes
Amidst a life-and-death struggle to finally shut the nuclear energy industry, the power of green music flows again this Sunday.

It's also pouring over the Internet, as the historic all-day MUSE2 gathering is staged at the Shoreline Amphitheatre south of San Francisco, re-uniting Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Crosby-Stills-Nash, the Doobie Brothers, John Hall, Sweet Honey in the Rock and many more who'll sing to benefit victims of the Fukushima disaster and promote a green-powered Earth.

The concert runs from 3pm through the evening Pacific Time and comes as the nuclear power industry desperately seeks federal funding to build new reactors while fighting a tsunami of citizen opposition demanding the shut-down of aging radioactive power stations.

The Ohio Attorney General's Office rejected the ballot language that was submitted to begin the repeal process of the Voter Suppression Bill (H.B. 194). This bill would make it harder to vote in OHIO!
We need to collect another 1,000 signatures Wednesday, Aug. 3 to resubmit the ballot language to the Attorney General's Office and get their approval as soon as possible. Since the old petition was rejected, everyone needs to sign this new petition.

Please spread the word, bring a friend and sign a petition tomorrow at one of the following central Ohio locations:

Delaware County

1-3 p.m. and 6-8 p.m.
Delaware County Democratic Party
12 1/2 North Sandusky Street
Delaware, OH 43015

Franklin County

2 p.m.-8 p.m.
Corner Stone Deli
3296 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43202


1 p.m.-7 p.m.
Franklin County Democratic Party
340 E. Fulton Street
Columbus, OH 43215

1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Whetstone Public Library
3909 N. High St,
Columbus, OH 43214

This is a very bad deal and a huge mistake. Instead of capitulating to Republican ideologues in Congress, we should stand our ground on behalf of seniors, children and other vulnerable Americans. All the rhetoric about “shared sacrifice” rings hollow when the vast majority of us are being sacrificed to the benefit of big banks and Wall Street.

There are plenty of sensible and effective ways to reduce the deficit -- including a transaction tax on Wall Street, an end to the Bush tax cuts for the very wealthy and a major reduction in military spending. But the bipartisan dealmakers in Washington are ripping up the social compact and slashing the safety net that’s essential for vast numbers of Americans.

One of the most dangerous aspects of this deal is that it explicitly sets the stage for future actions to undermine Medicare. This scenario is a betrayal that strikes at the heart of precious values, and it’s among many of the current threats to vital social programs. I am committed to defending Social Security and Medicare on the campaign trail and as a member of Congress.


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