Articles by Author

30 April 2024
This conversation depicts a dialogue between an Israeli father and his son discussing the father's negative views and prejudices against Palestinians. The...
27 April 2024

About 700 students, faculty, & community members held a 6-hour protest at Ohio State University campus yesterday. Protesters called OSU to divest...

23 April 2024
The Israeli police attacked a tent for mourning the death of Palestinian Walid Abu Daqqah who perished in an Israeli prison due to medical...
07 April 2024

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan was sentenced to...

02 April 2024

During the last 6 months of Israel's aggression on Gaza, there were almost daily war crimes and horror stories committed by the IOF. That is too hard to...

28 March 2024
At last Columbus City Council joined over 100 US cities, towns, and villages who have passed a ceasefire resolution demanding President Biden and members of...
