
Front book cover with green at top and a yellow body of water below with a drawing of people in a small rowboat. the word Reading with Patrick A teacher, a student, and a life changing friendship
19 February 2018

I loved school from the minute I set foot in kindergarten. Blessed with two older sisters who brought home their schoolwork and parents who read, I was an apt and eager pupil when my older sister, Marva, taught me to read when I was...

16 February 2018

Mainly due to Warren Beatty’s classic 1967 movie, most film fans know who the “Barrow Gang” was - Bonnie and Clyde Barrow’s band of bank robbing desperadoes who roamed the Midwest during the 1930s. But thanks to the Pan African Film...

16 February 2018

Anna Baltzer’s amazing book Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories has been updated over the years, and I’ve just read it for the first time. Rather unfairly, and — as it turns out — wrongly,...

13 February 2018

Those who have been lucky enough to visit the Pacific Islands and to even be blessed by the opportunity to live there (as this “Native” New Yorker was for 23 years) continue to frequently feel the lure of the isles. I still regularly...

11 February 2018

With the persona of a maniacal Bond villain hell-bent on world domination who’s so unbelievable he’d be more at home in Austin Powers spy spoofs than in the 007 film franchise, Trump is a big, tempting, easy target. He’s a blowhard with...

08 February 2018

Garry Davis was a young Broadway actor in 1941, an eager understudy for Danny Kaye in a Cole Porter musical called “Let’s Face It” about US Army inductees, when America entered World War Two and he found himself heading for Europe in an...


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