
18 October 2017

“In America, if you say ‘Brian Wilson,’ people think the Beach Boys, but in Nicaragua if you say ‘Brian Willson,’ people think of the peace activist,” said Frank Dorrel, Associate Producer of Paying The Price For Peace: The Story of...

03 October 2017

Gordon Gekko may have articulated the Reagan era’s ethos when he proclaimed “Greed is good” in Oliver Stone’s 1987 Wall Street, but in terms of ethics Captain Greedy is not good - although when it comes to sheer showmanship and...

01 October 2017

This co-production launching a collaboration between the Fountain Theatre and Los Angeles City College’s Theatre Academy tells the story of real life dancer Freddy Herko (Marty Dew) largely through choreography (by Cate Caplin) and a...

29 September 2017

In The Last Tycoon F. Scott Fitzgerald rather famously quipped, “There are no second acts in American lives.” But I’m glad this isn’t true about drama, because I started drifting off during the first act of A Noise Within’s...

18 September 2017

DEMOCRACY (SIC) Theater Review


The Democracy Zone: Theater of the People, By the People, For the People 


By Ed Rampell


Don Williams’ com-dram democracy (sic) ...

16 September 2017

Dziga Vertov’s The Man with the Movie Camera


V.I. Pudovkin’s short Chess Fever...


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