
15 October 2003
Kucinich may be the only guy who can win this [US Presidential] election. Sounds far-fetched, right? What the Brits would call Loony Left delusional thinking. The U.S. press would just ignore the whole thing, naturally, until it's no...
01 October 2003
Vote for President Bush and Republican Senators and Congressmen if:  

You think $900/month ($10,800/year) is a fair price for a health insurance policy.

*  You believe drug companies should prevent you from...
10 September 2003
The most important political task of our time is the defeat of George W. Bush. There has rarely, if ever, been a President of such exceedingly limited ability and poor moral judgement, and all the money in the world (which he appears to...
04 September 2003
During the Cold War, the CIA, in the words of long-time agent Ralph McGehee, practiced the art of "deadly deceits." Throughout the Third World, the secret spy agency engaged in covert operations, blatant acts of economic destabilization...
15 August 2003
I was surprised by an email from an old friend, usually apolitical, who wanted to engage me about Dennis Kucinch. While I don't always put my heart into rising to such bait, I was invigorated enough by our exchange to share it with the...
08 August 2003
I suppose I should have a colorful Howard Dean anecdote, but I don’t. When he was governor here, the newspapers would run a photo of him every year, ceremonially tapping the first sugar maple. His blue blood was betrayed by his choked-...


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